She’s a snoop


Fair enough

Bring anything that’ll make you comfortable

I grabbed things mostly at random, filling the suitcase with pajamas, toiletries, and various other comfortable clothing. Lamenting that I didn’t have anything that passed for lingerie or even time to shave my legs before going over, I shoved the suitcase closed, zipped it up, and dragged it down the stairs after me.

“Bye, Mom! Love you! See you next week!” I flew out the front door before my mother could even respond, knowing that if I stopped I’d probably lose my nerve.

Sidney was standing outside the vehicle when I got there and took the suitcase from me to load it into the back. Was his politeness a him thing or was he contractually obligated to open doors and carry luggage for omegas? I preferred to think it was just how he was. That made me feel better about who I was about to climb into bed with.

I hopped into the front seat before he could grab the door for me, swinging it shut, and nearly catching my toes in my haste.

“Is she watching me out the window?” I asked when Sidney slid into the driver’s seat.

He glanced past me toward the house. “Yep.” He smiled and waved at my mom before turning on the vehicle.

Then my mother was marching across the lawn with a teddy bear in her hands.

Oh god, no.


“I’m not blazing out of your driveway when your mom is walking over here. I could get in trouble with the clinic for being a dick.”

The clinic might not like it but he’d have been my savior if he had in that moment. I whimpered as he pushed the button to roll down the passenger side window and my mother thrust the teddy bear through it.

“You forgot Mr. Bear.”

“Mom! For the love of god.”

I tried to sink into the chair, covering my face with my hands. The teddy bear plunked onto my lap and I resisted the urge to fling my beloved plush onto the lawn. I knew Mom was trying to help, but if the universe could’ve opened a hole in the ground and swallowed me up in that second, I’d have been so fucking grateful for it.

Sidney chuckled. “You should bring it. The comforting scents will help you adjust.”

“Fine. I’ll bring it. Can we go now?”

My mother kissed my head and I groaned.

“Mom. I’m not five. Please don’t kiss my head in front of people.”

“You don’t mind, do you? Mr....”

“Sidney Marino.” He passed her one of his business cards. “Here’s my information if you need it.”

“Lovely to meet you. I hope my sweet girl hasn’t been a bother to you. I’m going to miss her so much.”

“Mooom. Stop. I’m a grown woman, and I need you to not be in my head for what I’m going to go through in the next week.”

“Oh, hush now.”

“We really should be going,” Sidney interjected. “I promise I’ll take the best care of her while she’s with me and return her to you safe and sound.”

I wanted to throw myself under his SUV.

My mother opened her mouth to speak again but Sidney was already rolling up the window as he smiled brightly, waving to her as he pulled away.