His response was to try using Allie’s hair as a chew toy.

“He was a very good boy,” Nicky replied, crossing the space to stand with us. “The other babies were good too. Did you have fun?”

“So much fun. I can’t remember the last time I got to dress up for a photo shoot.”

“I can’t wait to see the pictures from it.”

“Do you want to stay for dinner, Nick?”

“I absolutely would love to. Made me get all attached to the puppies.”

“Yeah, that happens.”

Prince let out a tiny howl.

“Do you think it’s time for your dinner too?” I gave his head a pat. “If Allie can start on food for the pups, I’ll get started on food for the people.”

“You got it.” Allie disappeared with Prince into the nursery.

Nicky followed me to the kitchen. “You two are so cute.”

“I’m glad you think so.”

“What can I do to help?”

I got her set up with salad ingredients and pulled some frozen chicken cordon bleu out of the freezer and turned the oven on to preheat.

“Things are going well?” Nicky asked.

“I think so. She has a date tomorrow.”

One of the carrots Nicky was peeling flung out of her hand and she turned to me with a confused pinch of her eyebrows. “A date?”

“I mean, I did sort of put a damper on any of her romantic plans.”

“I thought you were her romantic plans.”

“That doesn’t mean she might not want to pack. I’m trying to be flexible about it.”

“A pack sounds both fabulous and terrifying,” Nicky said. “Like, you’d get a whole host of personalities and there wouldn’t be all that pressure to be everything for one person, but also that’s a lot of people.”

“I still think you would do well in a pack.”


“Because you’re neurotic.”

Nicky stuck her tongue out at me.

“If you have the right mix of people, it could be a great support system for someone with your particular brand of anxiety.”

“You don’t think being an introvert would make it difficult?”

I shrugged. “Maybe at first, but the right people don’t feel like people, if that makes sense. They don’t drain your social battery in the same way.”

“That’s true. I guess that would also be a lot of people to split chores and housing costs with. One of my friends at work was joking that she couldn’t afford to be monogamous if she wanted a house.”

“Is that the friend with the designer bag addiction?”