I traced all the beautiful planes of his body with the riding crop, humming appreciatively at the twitch of his muscles and the hitch of his breath.

“Sidney, you look good enough to eat.”

“I’m hoping that happens at some point.”

I gave his cheek a light tap with the riding crop. “So naughty. I don’t recall giving you permission to speak.”

“Sorry, mistress.”

I tapped his other cheek with a crop, harder than the first. “Hush.”

He pressed his lips together, as if combatting the urge to speak again.

I lifted my shiny shoed foot and braced my toes against his chest. “Go ahead and touch, but no talking just yet.”

I held my breath as he turned his face and dropped a kiss to my ankle, gently rubbing his stubble, carefully, mindful of the nylons.

The good thing about him being unable to see me was I could be as ungraceful as I needed, gripping the bed to bring my foot back to the floor without tipping over.

I picked up one of the vibes, a simple bullet, and twisted it to turn it on, the quiet hum the only sound between us. He jolted when I touched the tip to his nipple. Did I get a little too much pleasure out of that? Definitely, but it wasn’t enough to stop me from doing it to the other, and it certainly didn’t stop me from trailing it down his body and tapping the tip of his cock with it.

“Fuck,” he whispered sharply, and I whacked the crop against his chest. “Fuck!”

Another smack.

This time he managed to stay silent.

“Good boy. You’re learning.”

His hands flexed, but he didn’t strain against the cuffs. I leaned in. Teasing my lips along his throat, I drew the vibe down the length of his cock, gripping it softly against him while he shivered and squirmed. I knew I did the exact same for him, knew that he loved it, but I had a whole new appreciation for how much fun it was to be in this position.

“That’s my good boy, taking such good care of your omega, making her feel like a goddess. I’m going to make you feel like a god.”

His whimper was like a shot of endorphins through my system, my whole body pulsing. They needed to bottle this feeling because I would be fucking unstoppable if I could harness this in the day to day.

“Sweet baby,” I cooed and gripped him tighter. “You like that?”

He nodded sharply, his breathing ragged.

“Would you like to see me?”

Another nod.

Feeling impulsive, I picked up one of the ball gags from the treasure chest and held it aloft before pulling off his blindfold. He stared at me like he couldn’t get enough, and then his eyes fell on the gag.


He blinked up at me, his eyes bright and his lips parted.

“You can speak to answer.”

“I can’t safeword with it in, and my hands are bound.”

I picked up the red panties I had purchased and set them in his hand. “I won’t keep it on for long. Let go of these if you need to safeword before I take it off.”

Sidney swallowed hard. “Yes, mistress.”

That phrase was a drug, pouring through my system and filling my head with light.