“That’s amazing!” I squeezed her tightly, lifting her right off her feet. “I’m so proud of you.”

Her cheeks flushed pink.

“What’s your new job title?”

“Architectural consultant. No more junior! I don’t technically have it yet, but it’s between me and one other person. We each have one project to do to impress the boss, and considering the other work I’ve seen from this person, I feel like I might be a shoo-in.”

“Is there anything I can do to help with the project?”

“I’ll definitely have you look at it as I figure out all the details. God, I hope I get it. I’ll get a fancy office. We could get freaky at work!” She burst into giggles.

“Well, I was hoping you would get it anyway, but now I’m doubly invested. Are you nervous?”

“A little.”

“How would the job be different from what you’re doing now?”

“I would get to work on more fun projects. Stuff like libraries and art galleries, instead of basic strip malls. And I could have a team for big projects!” She bounced on her toes, her excitement manifesting in her movements.

“You’re all ready to make your mark on the city. That’s a really cool legacy to have.”

“I think so too. I know some people get kind of weird about legacies, and I don’t think I had fully thought about it when I went into this career, but as soon as a building exists that you designed, it’s the wildest feeling. Not that I know what being a parent is like, but I imagine it’s similar. Every so often I do drive-bys just to see what’s being housed within those walls now.”

“That’s adorable as hell. We should do a drive-by together, maybe include a photo shoot, put together an album of all the things you’ve helped create.”

She looked up at me with wistful, shiny eyes. “Really?” Her voice cracked. “I would love that.”

“I’ll get it organized, then. Do you want a professional photographer or do you want me to take the photos?”

“Meg has done photography before. She took classes and everything.”

“All right, I’ll coordinate with her.”

When I finally had to head back for the afternoon portion of the class, I kissed Allie softly, mindful of her work’s restrictions on PDA. She looked so happy as she retreated, waving to me from the elevator before disappearing.

I pulled out my phone as I walked.


Would you be interested in helping me with a photo shoot for Allie?



What did you have in mind?

I explained the concept.


That’s so sweet

She sent me an invitation to view her calendar app.


Pick any time I have free