Page 20 of Enemy Next Door

Luke jogs happily towards us, holding a bottle of liquor. “Hey Gianna, you look gorgeous.”

“Thanks, you look quite handsome, too,” I reply with a smile.

He shrugs. “It's not every day Chris throws a party. I have to look my best.”

That confuses me. The Chris I knew loved partying and always threw one almost every Friday night. Now it's as if he hates it. I guess a lot of things can change in eight years.

“Now, Chris, what are you doing here? You are the host of the party. You should be at the front. In the middle of everything.”

“I'm here to get Nala to control her friends before I kick them out,” he says dryly.

“They are not my friends. They are just people I met here and there.” She shrugs.

Chris’s demeanor changes to disbelief. “You invited complete strangers into my house?”

Luke, probably sensing the change, pulls at Chris’s arm. “Let's go Chris. She will handle it.”

He shakes his head and lets himself be led away by Luke.

Nala lets out a relieved sigh. “I thought I was in trouble.”

I chuckle lightly at her reaction. “I thought so, too. But how could you invite strangers?”

“They are not strangers. Moreover, there was no time to plan, and I didn't want his stiff-headed colleagues to come and drag down the party. They turn everything into a business meeting.”

My eyes involuntarily follow Chris around as he greets some people.

Nala nudges me. “By the way, what was that about?”

I look at her, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What?”

“You guys were smiling at each other and the way he was looking at you. Was like…I can't even describe it.” She shakes her head in thought.

“Like what?” I am interested in knowing more.

“Like a man on a mission,” she finally says.

I gulp at her description.

She laughs it off. “I'm sure I imagined it.”

“Probably,” I try to laugh back. I'm feeling more nervous now. I haven't told Nala about the kiss because she would freak out, and that's the last thing I need. I don't even know what the kiss means. I know what it means to me, but to Chris, I have no idea.

Nala’s mouth opens slightly. “What the fuck is Jessica doing here?”

“Who is Jessica?” I follow her shocked gaze to where Chris and Luke are. A beautiful woman with short black hair throws herself into Chris’s arms, and he easily catches her by the waist.

I blink and swallow a lump in my throat. I watch, frozen in place, as she plants a kiss on his cheek, and Chris closes his eyes with a smile.

“Who is she?” My voice cracks, but Nala doesn't notice because she’s still frowning.

“Chris’s ex,” she states, then adds, “or I guess they are back together given how cozy they are.”

She doesn't know that her words are like a knife to my heart. His arms are still wrapped around her, and they are both laughing. My heart feels heavy. My lungs constrict. I feel something grow in my stomach. It isn't nervousness, instead it’s something much darker. It tore at my heart watching the scene in front of me.

“I have to go to the restroom,” I manage to say, practically dashing off. I don't have any idea where I'm going. I just need to breathe.

I find myself on the balcony. Thankfully, there's no one here. I lean against the railings, appreciating the fresh air.