Page 62 of Enemy Next Door

I stand up in an instant. “Where is it?”

“It's at an abandoned workshop near Solstice Canyon.”

I immediately head straight for the door, only for Nala to rush and block my way.

“You are not thinking clearly, Chris. What if he hurts you?” she asks, refusing to let me get past. “You can’t underestimate him. If he is confident enough to do this, he must have the means to do so. He’ll—He won’t hesitate to hurt you,” she says.

“I won’t hesitate to hurt him either,” I respond, my voice low.

I don't like to hurt people. I'm not as ruthless as my father or my grandfather. But if there's one thing I've learned from them, it's that if I have to get my hands bloody for my loved ones, I should.

She gapes at me. “You can't just go out there without a plan.”

She's right. I'm too agitated to think straight. If I go there as I am right now, I would surely be shot down dead.

“Fine, give me your phone.”

She hands it to me. “What are you going to do?”

I choose not to answer her. I dial Clark’s number on her phone and call him. After four rings, he picks up.

“It’s me.” He’ll recognize my voice.

“Oh, sorry, boss. I didn't know it was you.”

“What's the latest?” I ask, getting straight to the point.

“He has more guards than I can count right now. If you go there alone and give into his request, you will be walking into a trap.”

“Who says I'm going to give in to his request? I want this to be his end.”

I'm not underestimating Perez. He has the backing of people who have been plotting my family's downfall for years.

“Get the team ready,” I order. “We are going in. I'm going to pretend that I have done what he wants, and as soon as he discovers that I'm lying, there will be a shootout.”

“That's dangerous.” I can hear the fear in his voice.

“Get the police involved. If he doesn't die there and then, I will make sure he and his cohorts rot in jail.” I pause, taking a deep breath to calm my anger. “But remember, Gianna must come out of there alive and without a scratch.”

“What about you?”

“Don’t worry about me. Just do your job. Assemble the guys in the next thirty minutes. I will connect with you all soon.”

I turn to look at Sarah, who looks perplexed. “Get me a new phone now.” She nods and scurries off.

“Please don't do anything stupid. Please promise me you will come back alive with Gianna as well. Please,” Nala desperately pleads, looking so afraid.

I cup her face and smile to reassure her. “I promise that I will bring her back safe and sound.”

If I can't be alive with Gianna, then I have every intention of taking that asshole out with me.

Chapter 21


It takes a lot to keep my eyes open. The pain in the back of my head is excruciating.

The stinging light of the single overhead fluorescent light makes everything worse. There are six hugely built men standing around, some with guns bulging out of their holsters. All mean and scary as hell.