Page 45 of Enemy Next Door

Going by his dress, his fancy car that night, and my boss referring to him as a big client, I don't need to put two and two together to realize that he's wealthy.

He straightens up, still smiling. “Okay, let's get back to work.”

We spend the next thirty minutes discussing the ideas he wants for his club. I jot them down, chipping in some of my own every now and then. After reviewing the contract and some of his extravagant ideas, he stretches his hands.

“I think that's all for now. If I have any other ideas, I will communicate them to you,” he states.

“Okay, great.” I start to pack up. It's already near closing time, and I need a shower.

“So, how have you been?” he asks, breaking the silence.

“I've been good. And how have you been?” I ask back politely.

“Stressed. But I'm energized today because of you.” He winks, making me uncomfortable. He checks his fancy watch. “Is it time for you to go home as well?”

I nod, heading towards the door. “Yeah, it is.”

“How about I take you home?”

“That won't be needed. I still have some work to finish,” I lied, wanting to escape any awkward situation with him.

“Then I will wait for you.”

“What?” I wasn’t expecting that.

“Is that so surprising?” He shrugs. “I came here because of you. That should tell you I want to spend more time with you.”

There it is. How am I supposed to escape him now?

“Uhm, I will just get my things from my office and meet you downstairs.” I need to buy some time to figure out what to do.

“Let me follow you. I want to know what your office looks like.” He clarifies, seeing my questioning gaze. “Also, it would help me to reach you instead of going to your boss first.”

We walked together to my office in complete silence. I opened the door only to find a surprise. My office was decorated with different kinds of balloons and a banner that said ‘Happy Birthday’ on it.

There was a huge cake on my desk, a huge bouquet of hydrangeas, and three wrapped presents.

“Wow!” Perez exclaims behind me as he steps into the office, echoing my thoughts.

He gives me a questioning look. “Is today your birthday?”

“No, it was a few days ago… I don't know how or who put this up.”

He smirks, giving me somewhat of a knowing look.

What does he know?

“Are you sure you don't have a boyfriend or a secret admirer or something? This is huge,” he teases.

To say I'm confused would be an understatement. I'm flabbergasted.

I walk to my desk and pick up the flowers. I take the card attached to it, which reads, Happy belated birthday to the woman who makes my day. Your admirer, Chris.


I'm beyond shocked. Why make a fuss about it after I said I don’t do birthdays? We are just becoming friends, and then he pulls this.

Anyone could misunderstand this. Like how I'm reading too much into his gesture.