Page 33 of The Hostage

She rattles off a grocery list, and I confirm which items are in my fridge.

She signs off with See you tonight, XO

I grin at her message. A simple XO makes all the difference to my mood. She did the same thing last night after our heavy talk. She put her lips over mine and kissed me. Her soft, full lips moved over mine seductively. The taste of cherry from her lip gloss was delicious. When she pressed herself flush against my chest, I lifted her into my arms and carried her off to my bed.

Last night, I made love to her slow and sweet. I paid homage to her, touching, kissing, and licking every inch. I made her body sing with pleasure. I watched as her face filled with rapture.

I spread her thighs apart and licked her until she begged me to stop. I lost count of the number of orgasms I tore from her delectable body. But it was the look on her face when I came inside her that brought tears to my eyes. Her legs wrapped around my waist, her delicate hands on my back pressing me closer, and with total trust, she gave herself to me fully. Her trust is the most precious gift she could give me.

I held her in my arms all night, watching her sleep. It has become very clear that Gwendolyn Honeyton was made for me. She’s mine, and I’ll protect what’s mine until I draw my last breath.

* * *


I’ve never seen the library so busy. Apart from our regulars and the bookings we have for the local schools to come in for a visit, every teenager in the neighborhood must be here. It must be essay and exam time, because in every corner, kids huddle together, mostly studying, but some couples are sneaking in a kiss or two. I think it’s cute.

There’s a stack of returns still to get through, but It’ll have to wait until the end of the day when things are a little more quiet.

“Okay, everyone. Time to gather around at the craft area,” I say, corralling the class of grade twos and leading them to the kids’ tables. I’ve already set up each station with a variety of different-color construction paper, glitter pens, crayons, and all sorts of other things. I’m always intrigued to see what each child chooses. I wait for them to take their seats, their teacher assisting them and settling them down before I speak. “We’ve just read a wonderful book called Charlotte’s Web by E. B. White. That spider was so amazing that she created all those incredible webs with fancy designs. She saved Wilbur’s life because she used her creativity. Now let’s use our special talent to make our own special webs.”

For the next hour, both their teacher and I walk around the room giving the kids a helping hand. They are all so proud of their finished products.

When I first started at the library, I introduced an art wall, where we can display all kinds of work created by our visitors. We put the webs up all over the wall, and it sets the scene for Halloween, which is coming soon.

Next week, we’ll have a pumpkin carving contest for families, and the week after, we’ll have a costume contest. This year, the staff is dressing up as well. Which reminds me that I have to pick up fairy wings to complete my outfit.

By the end of the day, I’m grateful for the silence. The library is almost empty, except for a few stragglers. We give final notice that we’re closing in fifteen minutes. Nancy, the woman I’m working with today, is doing a final walk-through while I turn off all the computers.

“Miss Honeyton,” a man says. I turn, then take a step back when I see that he’s right in my face.

“Oh, hello.”

“I just wanted to tell you that I think you do a great job here at the library,” he says. “The children love you. You’re going to be a very good mother one day. A little girl, maybe, with pretty blue eyes.”

I blink. Blue eyes? I have green eyes. Caleb has green eyes. Suddenly, I’m not feeling comfortable with this man in my space. I look closer and find that he has blue eyes. I swallow hard and take another step back.

“Thank you for coming in today. But I need to finish closing and get home.” The sound of Nancy’s heels clicking on the floor makes me turn in her direction. When I pivot back to the man to ask him to leave, he’s already halfway out the door. A shudder runs through me.

“Is everything all right?” Nancy asks, eyeing me.

“Yes, I’m fine,” I mumble, then ask, “Do you know that man? The one who just left.”

“No, I don’t,” she replies, then taps her fingernails on the table. She looks pensive. “You know, I went over to ask him if I could help him find a book or if he needed assistance with anything, and he blew me off and said he had what he needed. He didn’t even have a book in his hand.” She points to a dark corner across from the main desk where I usually sit. “He sat right there and didn’t move all day.” She shrugs. “Maybe he just needed a quiet place to think.”

A few minutes later, Nancy and I lock the front doors. Caleb’s car is sitting in the lot, and he’s on his phone. Normally, I would wait for him to come get me, but he’s so close, I figure I’ll save him the trip. I wave Nancy off and begin to walk toward the car, when Karen jumps out and tugs at my arm. She practically drags me around the corner of the library.

“You need to stop seeing Caleb. Like right now,” she insists, stomping her foot.


“If you know what’s good for you, you’ll dump Caleb.”

I’ve only had one interaction with Karen, and it wasn’t very pleasant. But now she’s completely frantic, waving her arms around and pacing.

“You’ll regret it if you don’t. Do you hear me?” she shrieks. I cringe at the sound. “He’s not going to like this. I was supposed to get Caleb back…and you, well, I couldn’t give a shit what happens to you. He promised me Caleb is mine.”

“Gwen!” That’s Caleb calling for me. “Gwen, where are you?” I can hear his feet racing toward us. I’m about to call out when Karen shoves me against the wall. I hit it hard with a thud. I groan when my head slams into the bricks. I slump to the pavement, holding my head.