Page 14 of The Hostage

“He’s going to flip when he finds out how Mom invaded your space,” I say with a chuckle. “Serves her right for being Miss Nosy Boots.”

“She had good intentions,” she reminds me.

“We’d better get out there before they come looking for us.” This time, it’s Gwendolyn’s turn to giggle. Her voice is happy and peppy. I’m convinced everything’s good.

* * *

“What were you thinking, woman?” my father bellows. We’re standing on the back patio of Gwen’s home as he paces across the short space. “Are you trying to drive our son away?”

“I just wanted—” Mom’s voice is shaken, but Dad doesn’t let her make excuses.

“It’s not about you! God damn, woman. I love you with all that I am, till the end of time, but you pull another stunt like that, and I swear we’re going to have an argument unlike any other we’ve ever had.”

“David, this tone is unnecessary. It all worked out,” Mom insists, trying to justify her actions.

“It did, but not because of you. It’s fine because Gwendolyn made it that way. She cares about Caleb enough that what happened here today isn’t going to sully what they have going.”

I want to interject, but Dad has this well in hand, and I’m enjoying being the spectator for once and not losing my cool. My mother is the most amazing woman in the world, but her need to interfere with my personal life is out of hand. She does this out of love, I know, but I want to know all about Gwen first. Patience is not Mom’s strong suit.

“I like her,” Mom says quietly, her tone changing, becoming more somber. Her eyes brim with tears. “She’s been through so much. Gwendolyn shared her story with me. I didn’t even have to pry. She just opened up and let me in.”

I don’t get it, but obviously, this means something to Mom. Dad must understand, because all the wind gets knocked out of his sails, and he holds my mother in his arms. “You can’t force family, Joyce,” Dad says. “It arrives, and suddenly, it all makes sense. You need to relax and let Caleb and Gwendolyn live their lives.” Mom sniffles and Dad hands her a tissue.

When she finishes drying her tears, Mom turns to me. “Okay, let me have it.” She sucks in a breath and waits for it.

“Gwen says she’s okay with this. Dad’s already chewed you out, so I believe we should move on. But Mom, give me some alone time with Gwen. You’re right, she’s been through a lot, including being held hostage two days ago.”


“Long story, and I don’t want to get into it. She thinks she’s fine, but being put in a situation like that can have aftereffects. My aim was to keep things calm for her. That’s part of the reason I got so mad. Gwen’s shared her past with you, and I’m glad, but right now, this is about her and me. At least for now,” I insist.

“Right, son,” Dad agrees. He turns to his wife. “Do you remember what I was like when you were pregnant?” He waits for Mom to nod. “He’s his father’s son. Let him be the man he needs to be.”

Mom comes to me and kisses my cheek. “Treat her with care, honey. She’s perfect for you,” she murmurs, then takes Dad’s hand and leads him back inside.


Unwanted Visitor


It seems like the mother/son crisis is averted. David, Caleb’s father, was pretty upset when he found out that Joyce had concocted a plan to meet me and taken Sandra along for the ride. He came in, shook my hand, then looked right at his wife and pointed to the backyard. Joyce huffed a little, but clearly decided it would be better to have their discussion outside. Caleb gave them a few minutes before going out to assess the situation. As nutty as it sounds, I think it’s kind of sweet that Joyce wanted to ensure her son’s happiness.

They all came back in, and after that, the guys wandered over to Caleb’s place to grab beers and the ladies sat in my living room.

When it’s time to leave, Jasmine gives me a hug and says that she and Zeke only live down the street and to drop in anytime. Chloe and Sabrina asked me to join them for a shopping date next weekend, along with Jasmine. And just like that, I’m making new friends.

When I first got to town, I was so busy unpacking and focusing on work that I hardly made it home every day and went right to bed. I’ve made friends with some of the regulars at the library. On my breaks or at lunch, the library crew and the women from the mom groups that come in regularly meet up for coffee or a walk in the park around the corner from the library. Chloe, Jasmine, and Sabrina seem to have embraced me as part of their group, and it feels nice spending time with them.

When everyone is gone, Caleb helps me clear the table.

“You have great friends,” I tell him.

“They’re the best. I trust those men with my life, and I’m happy they have great women by their sides. Chloe and Damian met when he took on a undercover job and discovered that Chloe had rented the same apartment as him.” He laughs, shaking his head. “I tell you, I never expected Damian to turn a fake engagement into a real one. Best thing that ever happened to him.”

“Really?” I laugh along with him.

“Absolutely.” He steps closer, his expression turning serious. “Sabrina’s been through quite an ordeal too. Her ex held her hostage in a home until she escaped. She’d been on the run from him when she met Chloe. That’s when Alex and, well, all of us got involved.”