Page 42 of The Hostage

When Caleb finally lets go, he suckles on my skin. I know it will leave a mark, which I’ll wear proudly. Caleb catches his breath and pulls out carefully. He sets me down on shaky legs. I can feel his cum running down my legs, but I don’t care. He pushes down my skirt.

“Gwen, did I hurt you?” he murmurs.

I put my palms on his cheeks. “No, honey. You were perfect.” His arms are still banded around me.

“Go take a shower and clean up. I’ll finish dinner and then I’ll tell you everything,” he says with a heavy sigh.

Later that night, I sit on the sofa and listen. He tells me about his day, about finding Karen, and pulling himself from the case. Even though it was for a brief time, I can see that it bothers him.

“I had to do it. When we catch this bastard, I want nothing standing in the way of getting a conviction,” he says. All the while, I hold his hand. “Most of all, this is happening because of me, and you’ve been roped into this mess.”

“This will end, and when it does, it’ll make us stronger, together,” I tell him. It was hard to hear the internal struggle he was having about the situation. He gave it to me, and that’s all that matters.


Stay on Guard


Since Mason was running behind this morning and the station was closer to the library than our place, I take Gwendolyn with me to work. Mason assures me he’ll be along soon, although this did not make Gwen happy at all.

She’s made it abundantly clear that she hates being late. This is the first time I’ve had a woman be on time for anything. It’s a good thing the guys are in early, because they’re keeping her busy by chatting her up. When Alex and Zeke make her laugh, I can hear her sweet giggle from my office.

After last night, I wasn’t sure how this morning would go. In the heat of the moment, Gwen seemed to roll with the punches. In the cold light of day, I was terrified I’d be too much for her.

After our torrid lovemaking, she kissed my cheek and went to take a shower and clean up. I finished dinner, as promised, and set it on the coffee table, where she sat cross-legged in the corner of the couch, facing me, and I told her everything I could about Karen and what we think is a connection between her and one of the ex-cons at the plant.

Even as I was talking, she snuggled in closer, letting me feel her warmth. And when we went to bed that night, she burrowed into my side with an arm slung around my middle, hooking me to her. This tells me she’s in it for the long haul, and God knows I’m grateful, but I can’t help the uneasiness I feel.

I get a text from Mason telling me he’s downstairs and to meet him in the parking lot. Gwen says her goodbyes to the guys and it seems like everyone else on the floor too. She’s not been here an hour, and instantly, she’s won them over.

That’s because she’s bewitchingly beautiful and good down to her bones. It radiates from her, and people gravitate to her.

When we get downstairs, Mason is standing by the driver’s door. I help Gwen into the passenger side, kissing her long and slow before I have to let her go.

“Be good, baby,” I tell her.

“I’m always good. Maybe I want to be bad,” she teases.

“Bad girls get spanked.” Her eyes sparkle. The little minx likes the idea. “Go ahead, be bad. I’d love to make your ass red.” She blushes and doesn’t say a word, but gives my hand one last squeeze before releasing it.

Mason, waiting a few steps away from the car, has news. I go to him.

“I see you guys worked out your shit,” he says. This guy doesn’t miss a thing. He knew I was off yesterday.

I sigh. “I fucking hope so.”

“Good. Got news,” he announces. “Zeke was telling me about this car shop.”

Mason nods. “The plant?”

“The owner is a good man, and he’s oblivious. But there are several employees who are on the take. They count the parts incorrectly and sell them off to other small-time businesses. Zeke’s been struggling with probable cause to get a search warrant to search the plant.” He hands me a piece of paper and an envelope. “Names of the shops they’ve sold to, and photos of the labels with the company’s barcodes. If you lean on the owners, they’ll confess, and you can get your warrant,” he says.

“How did you get this?” I ask, narrowing my eyes.

“Not illegally. I happen to be at the right place at the right time,” he says. “You gotta get this done. I do too. I got brothers waiting for me, and you have to put your mind at ease.”

Mason is back in his vehicle before I can even thank him. He gives me a two-finger salute, while Gwen blows me a kiss. I race back up to my office and call the guys in for a meeting and relay the newest information.