Page 40 of The Hostage


“Do you want to hang out and have dinner with us?” I ask Mason, who is sitting at the kitchen table hanging out with me until Caleb makes it home.

“Nah, I got some stuff to take care of,” he replies after taking a sip of the soda I gave him earlier. “I have to tie up some loose ends around here before I join my unit in a few weeks.”

“Unit? I thought you were done.”

“Officially retired from the service. But there are a handful of us who decided we could put our talents to good use and start our own business. We’ve been looking for a place to set up shop. Falcon found the perfect place, and he’s there now, checking things out to make sure it meets our needs. If it works out, the rest of us will meet him there.”

“What kind of business?” I ask as I chop up the vegetables and listen to the chicken sizzle in the pan. I’m preparing a simple chicken and vegetable stir-fry.

I glance over my shoulder when I sense the hesitation. Eventually, he says, ”Let’s just say that we find things and people that most people can’t.”

“Like a private detective?”

Mason has never really laughed with me. Once in a while, I would catch him in a smirk or grin, but never in a full-blown laugh that echoes around the room like now. Let’s just say that it makes Mason even more attractive than he already is. Not quite as sexy as my Caleb but definitely a close second.

“Yeah, Gwen, kind of like a detective,” he replies when he stops chuckling.

“What are your friends like?” I ask.

“They’re loyal men. They’re smart and cunning, and I trust them implicitly with my life. As a matter of fact, in the line of duty, they’ve saved my ass many a time, like I did theirs. That’s why we decided to pool our resources and work together.” Mason has a lot of respect for these men. You can hear it in his voice.

“I’m glad you have that, but aren’t you going to be lonely for your own family?” I regret the words as soon as I say them. Mason’s eyes grow sad, and I know I’ve hit a sore spot. “I’m sorry. It’s really none of my business. Sometimes I talk too much.” I turn back to my chopping.

“Gwen, look at me.” He waits for me to turn my head. “Thanks for asking. I’m not in a place where I want to talk about it, but it’s nice to know you care enough to ask.”

I suck my lower lip between my teeth and nod, letting him know I get it. I know what trauma means, and not being able to find the words to express what I feel. After I lost Zaira, I didn’t want to hear one more condolence or deal with one more pitying glance. I needed to find my own way. It took me some time, but eventually, this job came along and I took a chance and I’m so glad I did. Maybe Mason needs the same.

They say that time heals all wounds. I don’t believe that to be true. Time gives us the opportunity to reflect and think. The memories of the loss of my family were harsh at first. But little by little, the memories that brought me to tears turned into smiles for the moments we had together.

When the front door opens and Caleb strides through, I can see that he’s bothered by something. Mason sees it too and is quickly on his feet.

“You got something?” Mason asks.

“More questions and a dead body.” Caleb drops the bomb. The room goes silent except for the sizzling pan on the stove. “Turn that off, baby.” He gentles his tone, snapping me out of my shocked state. I move to the stove and do as he asks. When I face him again, he’s holding out a hand. I take it, and he tucks me into his side. His hand drifts over my hair and presses my cheek against his chest.

Nothing escapes Mason, and with the way Caleb is acting, I can see he’s bracing for whatever news is about to befall us.

I hear Caleb’s heavy intake of breath, a slow exhale, then he tears off the Band-Aid. “We found an abandoned car today. When the officers approached, they found Karen’s dead body in the trunk. We have the time of death as shortly after the incident that went down yesterday at the library.”

“Oh my God.” I begin to tremble. Caleb holds me tighter. “That’s horrible.”

“We’re trying to make a connection. Zeke is on it. He’s got a couple of leads, one that takes us to a car manufacturing plant that matches the paint sample we took from Gwen’s car,” Caleb says.

“You’re thinking that Karen was working with someone,” Mason says.

Caleb nods. “We also think he may have been responsible for Karen’s death.”

“But if they were working together, why would he kill her?” I ask.

“One of my unanswered questions, babe.” He looks down at me.

“Want me to do some digging?” Mason asks.

“Not sure what more you can do. Zeke’s doing a search, but if you want to give him a call, be my guest.

“Will do. Later, Gwen. I’ll be here tomorrow morning.” Mason walks past us and shuts the door as he leaves.