Page 36 of The Hostage

“The only people to blame are whoever is causing this craziness. Please don’t blame yourself,” she says quietly. “The world needs more wonderful men like you and these guys.” She looks to the rest of us.

“How’s your head, babe?” I ask, touching her bruised scalp.

“Much better. The bath did me a world of good.” She smiles up at me.

“We’re going to head home,” Damian says. “We still need to pick up Sabrina and Chloe from Zeke’s place. We’ll meet you at the station after you drop off Gwen in the morning.” Damian heads to the door, Alex close behind.

“I’ll take Gwen in,” Mason says. “It’s best you get that to Zeke as soon as possible. And I’m staying in the library this time. I’ll sit in the shadows, but I’ll be close.”

“Good idea.” I turn to Gwen. “Why don’t you get ready for bed, babe? I’ll lock up and be right in.” I give her a nudge and wait for her to go down the hall and disappear into the bedroom before I walk the men outside. “None of this is adding up. Who is this guy and why is he showing up now? Gwen’s been working there several years, and he shows up now, and in some way, Karen’s involved.”

“It doesn’t add up. Yet,” Mason replies. He jerks his head toward the house. “Gwen’s a good woman. You’re lucky, man.” He turns on his heel and walks away. Damian and Alex say their goodbyes and are gone too. I stare into the night, looking around. I chose this place because of the quiet.

This is where I want to raise a family, have my kids play road hockey, or swing on the tire swing I’ll put up on the giant willow tree in the back. I don’t like having my solitude broken.

I need answers.


Mornin’, Baby


It goes without saying that I have very limited experience with men. Up to now, Caleb has initiated sex, and I’ve loved every minute of it. Caleb makes sure that I’m always taken care of. He’s been gentle and patient. He’s introduced me to making love in a way I never expected. When I’m with him, I feel cherished.

I watch him as he sleeps. Yesterday was pretty intense, and Caleb looked haggard when he came in to bed. Last night was the first night he kissed me, and it stopped at kissing. He gathered me in his arms, and that’s where I stayed all night long.

Usually, Caleb is the first one up. He seems to be able to jump right into the day. I’m not that way. I prefer to get up slowly, first stretching in bed, then taking a long shower, and the best part of the morning is taking that first sip of coffee.

As I watch Caleb sleep, I remember all the wicked ways he’s made me call his name in the heat of passion. I want to do that for him. I want to watch him come apart and roar my name in ecstasy.

The sheets have fallen beneath his waist, exposing his broad chest, tapered waist, and magnificently defined abs. I can’t seem to help myself as I let my fingers glide down over his muscular chest, settling right above his low-hanging boxers.

“What’s next, baby?” a sleepy voice says. I glance up at his sexy grin, which spurs me on. I bite my lower lip and slip my fingers under his boxers to feel his smooth, thick member come to life in my hand. “Hold me tighter. I won’t break,” he teases. I do as he says and hear him moan. His hand comes over mine, showing me how to stroke him firmly.

He pulls down his boxers, shrugging them off, and spreading his legs apart. I follow his lead and settle between his thick thighs. He shuffles upward with his back against the headboard.

Tentatively, I lower my lips over the tip of his cock and give it a lick. It tastes salty and manly. I’m not sure I know what I’m doing, but when he utters a sensual groan and I lick him again, I believe I’m doing it right.

“Close your lips over the tip. Let me feel the heat of your mouth,” he says, his eyes heavy with desire. When I do as he asks, his head drops back, his eyes shut tight, and I can feel the ripple of desire running through him.

Suddenly, I feel very daring. I begin to bob up and down over his massive cock. There’s no way I can take him all in my mouth, but I do my best. I swirl my tongue over the top to catch my breath, slipping my tongue through his sensitive slit.

“Jesus Christ,” he groans, his hand coming into my hair, piling it into one hand and watching me intently. “Take the tip in your mouth and suck it gently, baby.” His voice is hoarse and labored. I did that to him. I do as he asks and feel his cock jolt in my mouth.

Suddenly, Caleb’s tearing away my nightie. “Panties off,” he demands. Not wanting to move away from what I’m enjoying, I shimmy out of my panties, losing them somewhere in the bedsheets. “Touch your pussy, baby. Let me see how wet you are.”

I’m soaked. I have been from the second I put my mouth on him. As soon as I begin to touch myself, I moan my pleasure and strum my clit faster. I grow closer and closer to my climax, but Caleb pulls me off him and drags me up over his body.

“I’m not done,” I say with a heavy, breathy voice.

Caleb has me straddling his hips, up on my knees. “Hold on to the headboard,” he orders. The sound of his voice alone is enough to make me want to come. I lean forward and grab the headboard, putting my breasts in his face, which is clearly what he was going for, because in the next instant, he’s suckling and nipping at my nipples, lapping and teasing them with his mouth until I’m crying for more.

“What do you need, baby?” he teases.


“Say it.”