Page 35 of The Hostage

“Soup okay?”

“You can’t cook. Remember?”

“I think I can manage to warm up a can of soup and toast some bread.” I kiss the top of her head.

“Buttered toast?” Her smile gets wider.

“Smartass.” I wink. Then more seriously, I add, “Just rest. I’ll bring it to you.”

“I’m really fine. Despite the really weird day. First that guy as Nancy and I were closing up, then Karen.” She shakes her head. “A strange day.”

My ears perk up. “What weird guy?”

“It’s nothing.” She tries to brush it off, but I know better.

“What may seem like nothing could actually be something.” I sit back down with her. “Tell me about it.”

“We announced closing, as we always do, and Nancy was doing a final check, while I was making sure the computer system was shut down. This man comes up to me and says that I’m great with kids and I’ll make a very good mother one day. Then he says that this baby will have blue eyes. Weird, huh?”

“You have green eyes.”

She giggles. “I know. So do you, although I think yours are a darker green and so pretty.”

I kiss her nose. “Did this man have blue eyes?” A strange sensation comes over me, one I don’t much care for. The guy was implying that Gwen was going to have his baby, with his blue eyes.

“I hadn’t noticed until he said what he said, but he did. I was about to tell him to leave when Nancy came back, and he left.” She snaps her fingers. “Just like that.”

“How else did he look?” I prod a little more.

Gwendolyn is able to give me some basic information, which I make a mental note of. I head to the kitchen and warm up a bowl of soup for each of us, with some crackers on the side. I make sure she eats every last bit. I run a hot bath for Gwen to give her tense muscles a little relief from the stress of the day.

A short time later, Damian and Alex arrive, with Mason showing up a few minutes later, while Gwen is still in the bath. I tell them about the man who came up to Gwen, and the odd conversation they had. Mason mentions having seen a man, but he never approached Gwen and spent most of his time reading. This guy waited specifically for Mason to leave.

“Karen hasn’t shown up at her apartment yet,” Alex says.

“Zeke got a hit on the paint sample. It’s the same brand as what’s used in car plants. It’s a specific shade that they use on a specific model. The closest plant is on the outskirts of the city in the industrial area,” Damian tells us.

“Can Zeke get a list of employees?” I ask.

Damian nods. “He’s on it.”

Mason’s been silent the entire time, standing with his arms crossed over his chest, taking it all in. Damian breaks the silence by jerking his chin at Mason. “You know something.”

“Yeah.” He shifts his stance. “I found Karen’s abandoned car two blocks away from the library. Thought that was strange, so I went to her apartment. I’m not bound by your rules, so I let myself in.” He smirks. His choice of words, “let myself in,” makes me grin, as he’s carefully avoiding a “break-in” charge. “Most of her shit’s still there. I looked around and didn’t find much, until I saw her notepad. The note was ripped off, but she has a heavy hand.” He pulls a piece of paper out of his back pocket.

It’s only partially legible and reads, 7:30 pm, 720-66_-7__1. There are too many numbers missing to make a wild guess. I’ll get Zeke to take a look tomorrow morning.

“You think Karen’s working with this guy who talked to Gwen tonight?” Alex asks.

“I do,” Mason says.

“Why? What’s in it for her partner?” Damian asks.

“If they split us up, Karen thinks she gets me, and this guy has his sights set on Gwen.” I pound a fist into my open hand. “Who is this guy?” I’m furious and on the verge of losing control, but then Gwen comes into the room. She walks straight for me and puts her arms around my waist.

“We have cameras in the library. Had them installed right after the incident with Malcolm. Maybe Zeke can work his magic?” she says, then turns to the guys. “Hi, guys.” She does a little wave to Damian and Alex. “It’s nice to meet you, Mason. I hear you’ve been my guardian angel. Sorry I’ve been so much trouble.”

“I let you down, today. Won’t happen again,” Mason says, taking the delicate hand she extends to him.