Page 13 of The Hostage

“Gwendolyn…” Tears form in Joyce’s eyes.

“I’m fine. Honestly.” I hear the teakettle whistle and get up to pour. “I have wonderful memories of my family. But I understand that you want your son to have the best life. I hope that I’m what he needs and wants, because I think I’m already falling in love with him.”

The oven dings. Joyce comes to stand by my side as I set the goodies on the dish. Suddenly, she wraps her arms around my shoulder and tucks her head close to mine. “My boy needs a woman like you. Brave, resilient, honest, and very beautiful, both inside and out. I’m sorry you had to walk alone for a while, but if I know my son, and I’m pretty sure I do, you won’t be alone any longer.”

I hear the front door slam shut and heavy footsteps lumbering our way. Joyce and I turn to face Caleb standing in the doorway. His expression says it all: he’s frustrated and angry, but also a little stunned when he sees his mother hugging me.

“Hi, sweetie. We’re having an impromptu ladies’ tea party.”


Treat Her with Care


“You’re shitting me.” I thought I’d made it abundantly clear that I needed some space from my mother’s meddling. Not six months ago, I boycotted going over to my parents’ house for dinners because she was always setting me up with someone. I’d walk in the door and find what my mother hoped would be “the one.”

I didn’t say it in words, but I’m sure my actions clearly told my mother to back off. I should have known this would happen. The minute I was gone, Mom finagled her way in to see Gwendolyn. Even though Gwendolyn seems none the worse for the visit, I’m pissed.

It’s a small comfort that they look chummy and content together. I concentrate on Gwendolyn first, and she’s all smiles. Mom looks a little sad, maybe because she thinks I’m going to ream her out as soon as I get her alone, and she’d be right.

The guys were struggling not to share the news that Sandra dropped that she and my mother were coming over to catch a glimpse and hopefully an invitation to spend time with Gwendolyn. I can’t be upset with the guys because I would have done the same. When we’re on the job, our attention can’t be divided.

As soon as we had the perp in hand, Damian spilled the news, and I tore out of the precinct like a shot. Damian caught up to me and got in the car, talking me down from my fit of rage. He explained that Chloe, Sabrina, and Jasmine were playing buffer, and they were handling it. By the time we got here, I was less ticked, but I needed to see that Gwendolyn was okay for myself.

“Joyce, would you take these through to everyone? And make sure that everyone gets one before Zeke goes in for seconds,” Gwen teases as she hands my mother the tray with cookies piled high and another plate of scones with jams and butter on the side.

Mom takes the tray but looks to me. “Perhaps I should have a chat with Caleb first.” Mom knows what’s coming and wants to get this out of the way.

“Actually, I would like a moment with Caleb.” Gwendolyn smiles sweetly at my mother. “Please.” Mom takes the hint and scuttles past me as I make my way over to my girl.

“I’ll rein her in,” I promise.

Gwendolyn leans back against the counter and looks up at me. I put my hands on either side of her hips, blocking her in. She wraps her arms around my neck.

“You’re a very lucky man, Caleb Thorne,” she says quietly.

“Because my mom’s a kook?”

“Because your mother loves you so much that she wants the best for you.”

“She’s crossing the line.”

“Yes, a little. But have you asked yourself why?”

“Does it matter?” I ask tersely.

“Well, yeah!” She pulls me down closer until we’re nose to nose. “You’re her miracle baby. You and your father mean everything to her. When a woman comes into your life, your mom knows that she’s going to take up room, whether it’s in your thoughts, home, or bed, and that means your mother needs to make room for her. Of course, she’s afraid of losing her son, but she’s also afraid you won’t have the love that she and your dad have had all these years. Being a mother is complicated. Your kids don’t stop being your kids, whether they’re babies, twenty, forty, or ever. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

This is what makes Gwendolyn unique. She’s not upset that Mom barged in. She’s worried that I’ll upset my mother. “I get it, but it doesn’t make it right.”

“True, but try to see her side and maybe don’t be quite so hard on her. After all, Chloe and crew came over to warn me, and it’s been a good visit. I don’t want to taint it with bad karma,” she says in a quiet tone.

I close the small gap between us and kiss her passionately, feeling her rise onto her tiptoes and press her breasts against my chest. I ravage her mouth, one hand finding her ass and squeezing.

When I finally end our kiss, I ask, “You’re really okay with all this?”

“I was rattled at first, but I think it all worked out. Although, I do think that if everyone is here, you should invite your dad too.”