“You look like you’re trying to impress someone,” said Keady, throwing his arms around Cutler’s neck as soon as he stepped back. He raked his gaze over Scotland’s form and lifted one brow. You used to be shy.

“I knew you’d be here,” said Scotland, grinning wider as Cutler smirked. “I dreamed of your ass this morning, so I wondered if Cutler was willing to share again.”

Keady flushed, ducking his head before he cast his gaze around. “Do you have to say it so loud?”

Scotland snorted, hiding his chuckle behind his hand. It was amazing how Keady could be a mix of an exhibitionist and shy at the same time. The first time they’d met, Keady had hardly been able to speak to him at all.

“I’m always willing,” said Cutler, the grip on Keady tightening, despite his words. “I don’t think a hundred cocks would keep my slut satisfied, so I’m open to helpers.”

Oh, you poor, sweet boy. Keady couldn’t possibly get any redder.

“SB, what the hell?” asked Keady, letting out a little groan as his eyes sparkled.

These two were so cute together. And somehow, Cutler let Keady get away with the nickname SB, which stood for ‘sadistic bastard’. It was a great name, though. Sadists were the best.

“You going to get another piece?” asked Scotland, glancing to Keady’s arm where his first tattoo was. He’d been great for a virgin, not even asking for any breaks for the entire thing. Arms were a good place to start—not like the crazy bastards who got the top of their feet done…or their neck.

“I think so,” said Keady, shuffling his feet as he clung tighter to his Dom. “Just waiting on orders.” He gave Cutler a pointed look, who responded with one raised brow.

Maybe cute hadn’t been a good way to describe them. Intense was much more accurate. Oh, to be a fly on the wall for those scenes. He’d heard some rumors.

“Have you seen Clint around?” asked Scotland, letting out a sigh as he scanned over the room again. He was still fairly new to the community, having become a member just before the big move. He’d stumbled upon the place during an open house and had instantly fallen in love. His last community hadn’t been nearly as welcoming to people like him, and by the end, he’d had enough.

He shook his head. Kink to him had always been second nature, but he didn’t exactly devote every moment of his life to it, nor did he care if he fit into certain boxes or not. And the gossipers could go fuck themselves.

Cutler had breezed through the same community as him, not staying long before the whispers started, and he’d moved on. They’d been wrong about Cutler, anyway, and that was reason enough for Scotland not to believe a single other word they said.

“So you are on the prowl.” Keady grinned, his previous nervousness apparently forgotten. “I thought Maddy was pulling my leg when he said he’d called you here to the rescue. But if anyone can rescue Clint, it’s you.”

Where was this vote of confidence coming from? Clint had hardly spoken to him, and he doubted that was going to change any time soon. He wasn’t much for the matchmaking scheme.

“I’m not going to be any help at all if I can’t find him,” said Scotland, craning his head back to look at the door. He’d thought he’d heard some commotion earlier, but the Dungeon Master must’ve taken care of it.

“Did you check the recovery room?” asked Keady, his gaze straying away as something presumably caught his eye. “He hangs out there and chats with people sometimes like he used to do at the bar.”

Scotland followed Keady’s gaze, widening his eyes at the extreme display of restraint that Keady was looking at. It was too close to mummification to tick his boxes, but the sex that had just begun was nice.

Maybe the recovery room would do him good. It had been so long since he’d scened that he was probably feeling lower than normal. The gangbang with Keady and Cutler had been awesome, but it hadn’t been nearly enough to get Scotland to fly.

“Thanks,” said Scotland, already starting to turn away. On second thought. “I was serious, though. If you need an extra hand tonight—or cock—I’m game.” It was always a good idea to have a backup plan.

The place was fairly busy, but it was so much bigger than the old club that it almost had an empty feel to it. He wasn’t sure if he’d preferred the loud music and press of bodies or this calmer version.

It was a good thing that the people hadn’t changed. They were still kinky as fuck and most were out for a good time. It was easy enough to avoid the few assholes. He’d be able to hold his own in a fight, but Scotland detested getting his hands dirty like that. If he broke his hands, his business would go bust.

Most of the doors to the specialized kink rooms were closed when he ducked around the corner. His membership included access, but they had to be booked ahead of time. Some of them were booked for weeks ahead on the weekends but open Tuesday afternoons for people who apparently had no day jobs. He still hadn’t managed to see the inside of most of them.

He had, however, had the privilege of Nightmare. His skin prickled just thinking about it, the memories making his cock twitch.

He shook his head, smiling as he walked past the notorious room. Keady probably had an even fonder memory of it. The only thing that had dampened Scotland’s time that night had been when Clint hadn’t made his promised appearance.

Something that was getting a little too frequent.

The door to the recovery room was open, but he tapped on it gently anyway before he stepped inside. Soothing peppermint and lavender scents struck him first, then the murmur of conversation.

It was the perfect spot for couples to regroup after a scene in relative peace and privacy.

He paused in the doorway. Derreck was on one couch, a bawling Maddy in his lap, with Clint across from them, his face ashen. He was cradling his hands to his chest, the skin on his knuckles hidden behind bits of colored wax.