Maddy looked good, and not at all like the club had been too much to manage for him. There was a smile on his lips, and he looked calm and well-rested. There were times when Clint worried about him. Maybe I don’t need to worry.

“But I know Clint’s secret,” said Maddy, shooting them a wink. He had the most adorable blue polka dot oven mitts on, which happened to be Clint’s favorite pattern, and the tray he was balancing between his hands smelled divine.

“Brat,” said Clint, surging to his feet to adjust the wooden cutting board on the table before them so it would be easier for Maddy to set the food on. “How have you been? How’s the place holding up? You started a brat night, didn’t you? I knew you would. All you subbies getting together to plan something…”

Clint grinned, adjusting the tray with his fingertips until it was in line with the edges of the table. “Can I help with anything? Do you have plates? Or, did anyone need a drink?” He turned to Scotland, who was looking at him with one raised brow.

“Clint?” asked Maddy, pulling him in for a brief hug. “Go sit down. You’re still on vacation.”

“But—” He looked to the kitchen where he was sure he’d just heard the sound of a breaking plate. “You hate serving food. Let me help?” He bounced on his toes a little, his hands itching to grab the oven mitts right off Maddy’s hands. If they hadn’t opened a bar together, Clint had planned to convince Ross to let them start a restaurant. They would have hired a chef so Clint wouldn’t have had to do the cooking part, but he would happily deliver every plate himself.

“What he’s trying to say,” said Derreck, peeking his head through the door of the kitchen, “is that his ass is getting punished, so he has to do this himself.” Derreck was surprisingly done up for the occasion, wearing the first button-down that Clint had ever seen him in. He was usually more of a jeans and T-shirt kind of guy, with varying degrees of dirt on him from his job as a gravedigger.

“Oh.” Clint took the two steps back to the couch before dropping to the ground between Scotland’s knees. He landed closer to Rowes than he had before, his skin prickling from the proximity. Is it rude if I stare at him?

Clint cupped his hand over his mouth, aiming his voice away from Maddy, who was making his way back to the kitchen.

“What did he do?” he asked Rowes, ignoring the way Scotland bumped him with his leg. “I mean, he’s great at pushing Derreck’s buttons, but I don’t think I’ve actually seen him in trouble before.”

Rowes shrugged, smiling as Izzy reached for a plate and loaded up on a few potato skins. He took a small bite as Izzy held one to his lips, licking the bacon bit that clung to his lip. “Something about candles? I didn’t hear the whole story.”

They are so sweet. Clint’s heart melted as he watched Izzy feed Rowes another bite before reaching for his drink and carefully bringing the cup to his lips. Thinking about them as actors had his heart pounding, but as a cute and kinky couple, he could let himself relax.

“Oh, God.” He rubbed a hand over his face when Rowes’ words caught up with him. “Maddy must have started a freaking candle club at Unkinked. I knew I shouldn’t have left the kid in charge.”

Scotland touched his cheek, dragging Clint’s attention to him. There was something soft in his eyes that probably shouldn’t have been there with a friend. Clint couldn’t bring himself to care. He was loose and free, a laugh in his throat, despite the threat of candles near his life’s work.

“When Derreck found out Maddy didn’t ask you about the wax play scene, he had a few choice words,” said Scotland, moving his hand to Clint’s hair before digging into the strands. “Word on the street is that his punishment is going to last the entire time you’re on vacation.”

“And you say I’m the gossip,” said Clint, closing his eyes and letting out a hum as Scotland scratched his nails over his scalp. His hair was softer than usual since he’d started using Scotland’s shampoo, and he’d fallen in love with the deep scent of it. All it was missing was the hint of donkey, and it would match Scotland perfectly.

Chuckling, he leaned his head back, tilting to the side to follow Scotland’s hand as he moved.

“You like that?” asked Scotland, his voice lower than normal.

“Yeah, Sir.” Clint cracked one eye open, bending so he could catch sight of Scotland. It was good that he wasn’t the only one enjoying it.

“You want me to feed you, love?”

It did look nice the way Izzy brought the food to Rowes’ lips, letting him take little bites and even wiping his cheek with a napkin when a small piece went astray. He nodded, not trusting his voice. Isolation must’ve turned him sappy.

“Here.” Scotland held out a piece of potato skin, the grease probably stinging his fingertips. Clint opened wide, accepting it onto his tongue with a moan as flavor burst in his mouth. Maddy was a damn good cook.

“What are we watching?” Clint looked to the television when Derreck silently entered and started setting something up on the screen. His heart was beating way too fast as Scotland offered him another bite, his fingers stroking Clint’s tongue like he had in the car. Any more and he was going to be sporting a hard-on next to his idols.

“The season premiere of a certain show that’s not out yet,” said Maddy, strolling back into the room with yet another plate. “Rowes and Izzy seemed to think they owed you a favor, so they got their hands on it for you.”

Clint’s jaw dropped toward the floor, a piece of potato spilling out and rolling onto the ground. Gunlover was only his favorite show of all time, but the season finale had been the last, despite so many unanswered questions. He’d heard about Rowes’ and Izzy’s new roles and had been waiting to get his hands on more than just a few sneak peeks.

“It feels kind of self-centered to be watching this,” said Rowes, playing with a loose thread on his pants.

“You just don’t want to see the wall I fucked you against on set.” Izzy’s voice was a deep grumble that took Clint’s brain almost completely offline.

Fucked on set? “Oh! I have to do one like that for my new ‘never have I ever’ game. It was totally one of my ideas. I may have suspected something like that happened a few times during the last show. You guys are intense. I saw a leaked video of a kiss— Amazing.” He let out a wistful sigh.

“A lot like this?” asked Scotland, grasping Clint’s chin and tilting his head back. Their lips met a second later, and Scotland immediately opened his mouth, his tongue skirting between Clint’s lips.

Fuck. Clint groaned, carefully moving to his knees and turning before his neck could strain any farther. Burying his hands in Scotland’s hair, he tugged him closer, deepening the kiss. His heart pounded, the music for the beginning credits starting up behind him, but he didn’t care.