Rico smiles, placing his hand on her head. “How are you, mi amore?”

She starts babbling something and Rico listens to her attentively, while my sister turns back to me.

“Anyway, how are you?” Sophia questions.

I shrug. “As well as I can be.”

Her eyes narrow. “I could ask you the same question on a day you have a bullet wound and you’d still give me the same answer.”

“My problems do not concern you, sorella. Not anymore.”

Sophia frowns. I don’t meant to guilt trip her or anything, but she left the mafia willingly when she found out she was pregnant. I know without a doubt that she made the right choice. But sometimes I really miss my sister.

“Sure, they don’t,” Sophia says, recovering quickly. “But I happened to be married to a man I can get to help you if you need it.”

I offer her a smile. “I’m fine. It’s honestly nothing I can’t handle. Just a drug deal gone wrong.”


She starts telling me about work and I hear some fun stories of the adventures of Tony and Nova. She’s living a happy life and I’m so glad. By the time we’re done speaking, Rico has left with the dog and Nova’s asleep on the couch.

My sister and I get to our feet, heading over to look at her.

“She is so adorable,” I say. “Despite the fact that she looks so much like Tony.”

Sophia laughs, shaking her head. “The both of you are weird. I know you like each other but you keep insisting otherwise.”

“As if,” I scoff before looking sideways at my sister. “So, have you ever thought about having one more?”

“Well… Tony and I had a conversation a couple of days ago. And we both decided to wait for a little while longer. We’re still content and Nova’s an energetic little monster right now. Adding a baby into the mix might be a bad idea.”

“Whatever you choose will be great.”

“How about you?” Sophia says, shifting closer and nudging at my shoulder. “Have you ever thought about having kids of your own?”

“You mean will I be having kids with the imaginary boyfriend I currently have?”

She laughs. “Do you want me to set you up? I hear dating apps are all the rage these days. Maybe you could meet someone?”

“Who on earth would actually be comfortable dating a woman that’s the head of a mafia crime syndicate, Sophia?”

My sister sighs. “Maybe they don’t have to know?”

“You especially should know that’s a terrible idea, Soph,” I mutter.

We both know that.

“Fine. But you can’t be alone forever. I want you to be happy. With a man and kids of your own.”

“What if I don’t want kids?” I ask, feeling my heart clench.

The weight of those words are heavy on my chest. A reminder, a searing hurt.

“Then that’s okay,” Sophia says easily. “As long you’re happy.”

“I am happy. I have you and Nova and Rico and Papa.”

“That’s not enough. You deserve so much more, Kat. You deserve love.”