“That’s true. I have another daughter though,” he says grinning.

“Sir,” I say on a sigh.

“Alright, alright. You can’t blame me for trying. You’d make a great son in law, Xander. I’m surprised no women have snatched you up by now. Try not to remain a bachelor for much longer.”

“Of course.”

“I’ll get back to you on that investment,” he assures me. Then his eyes brighten. “Which reminds me, I hear your father’s opening a branch in New York.”

“Yes. It’s in the last stages of development before the grand opening in a month or so. It’s a move to tap into the bustling tech scene over there in New York.”

“Who’s he sending to oversee things there?”

“He hasn’t told me. I’m sure it’ll be one of the managers.”

“New York’s a big city. He’ll have to send someone he really trusts to take care of things.”

I shrug. “That’s his decision.”

Truthfully, I haven’t thought much about the New York branch being opened. It was always inevitable considering New York’s large market. I’m glad father’s finally pushing on with it, but with everything I have to take care of here, it’s barely in my headspace.

The meeting or should I say the game with Mr. Rojas ends and I’m about to head home when I get a call. As soon as the caller id flashes on the screen of my phone I pick up. Like I always do. No matter where I am or who I’m meeting.

I hear my son’s voice as soon as I pick up.

“Hey, dad.”

“Hi, sport. What’s up?”

“Nothing much. There was a spelling bee in class today.”

“And?” I prompt.

“I got twenty five words right out of thirty. Disappointing right?” he asks.

I chuckle. “Actually, sport, I’d say that’s pretty great actually.”

“No, it’s not. I could have gotten all the words right.”

“And I’m sure you will next time, my little over achiever.”

“Whatever,” he says, a little attitude in his voice. The more he grows, the less he acts like my adorable baby. We’ve come a long way. “Are you coming home tonight?”

“Uh.. I don’t know, sport. I’ve got a pile of documents to get back to in the office.”

“But you haven’t been home in three days. And you promised to have dinner with me twice a week. We’ve only had dinner once this week and the week’s almost over.”

“Excellent deduction,” I say dryly.

“Will you come home or not?”

“A little demanding, are we?”

“I miss you, dad,” he says in a low voice and just like that my heart warms.

“I miss you too, Nate,” I say, inhaling softly. I hate this. How much I have to work, the way it feels like I’m failing him, every single time. “I’ll be home by 8pm.”

“Yay! I’ll let grandma know so we can have dinner by 8.”