Page 87 of Ring Of Truth

“You’re not a slut.” My chest heaves. “I’m crazy about you. I’ll kiss your asshole if you want me to.”

She stiffens and steps back. “Really?”

I lick my lips. “If you let me.”

“Next time.” She leans in and kisses me again at a slower pace.

Gentle and soft.

I can’t get enough of her taste.

Her velvet lips hypnotize mine. Makes me forget all my troubles.

What will my feelings for her do to my world?

And hers?

The Astoria Bratva is falling apart, and I just fucked the missing piece…



On Friday night, Darragh takes me shopping for the baby.

In the attic, he showed me all of Sophie’s baby furniture and bedding accessories.

It was mostly pink and yellow. I tried to argue we didn’t have to replace them with blue and that it didn’t matter. But he’s a man, and when he said it mattered, I let it go.

He then introduced me to his safe room, where he took me so hard that he knocked the wind out of me. I should have been shocked he has one, but Papa had one. All gangsters have safe rooms, safehouses, and escape routes.

In the store, I push all that out of my mind. I’ve been on my own for more than two years. No one is coming for me.

Darragh takes the lead in the store, me and Sophie lingering behind.

Me waddling, really.

The other women at yoga talked about their baby showers. I smiled through the pain, thinking who would throw me one? I don’t have any friends. But I’m lucky to be free of Cormac. I’m more upset that I’ll miss Katya’s baby shower, that I can’t be there for her.

We decide the fourth guest bedroom will get cleaned out this weekend for the nursery. The mahogany crib, matching changing station, and chest of drawers that Darragh is buying will look gorgeous. He also bought a gray, painted bassinet that will go in my room.

I used to love shopping, but now it’s overwhelming and exhausting.

“Does a baby really need all this?” I follow Darragh down an aisle where he grabs nearly one of everything.

“Yes, a baby needs this. A baby who’ll be cared for properly.”

“Darragh, stop.” I seize the edge of a crib on display and double over.

“Ana!” Sophie rushes to my side, throwing her little arms around my neck.

“I’m okay, Sophie.” I take a deep breath, and smile at her. “Just got a little scared. I’m sure your mom was, too.”

Mentioning her mother makes Sophie’s eyes go wide and Darragh’s face rigid with stress.

“Right, she was nervous.” He plays it off.

Darragh braces me to help me stand up straight. His hands have a calming effect on me.