Page 32 of The Birthday Manny

I wanted to apologize again. At the same time, my mind went back to what George had suggested in the beginning. Maybe I should ask CJ if he wanted to find another job so I could ask him on a date. But then the echoes of Alan’s voice intruded. My manny loved what he did, watching kids and taking care of our family. And he was damn good at it. But that didn’t mean he wanted to be stuck with a single father who was utterly devoted to his child. No, he was ten years younger than me and would have plenty of time to find someone special and create his own family. Until then, I’d treasure his company and ignore the attraction.



That night, the minute I was alone in my room, I texted Eddie.

Me: Dude, he kissed me.

A goofy grin spread across my face as I typed the words. Kevin Wadsworth had kissed me, and I liked it. Well, technically, I’d already known I loved the feel of his mouth on mine, the glide of his warm, wet tongue against mine. It was so thoroughly unexpected that it made me giddy.

Eddie: What? I have to hear this. Call me.

Me: I can't call tonight. He might hear me.

Eddie: Call me first thing tomorrow then.

Had my best friend taken leave of his senses? He knew me better than that.

Eddie: Ha, ha, ha, ha. JK. I know you're dying to spill the beans, so tell me.

Whew. For a minute, I thought he’d been serious. I proceeded to text him every little thing since the moment George and Margie knocked at the door last night. He interrupted me here and there to ask questions. Of course, with the string of two or three-line texts I sent, his questions tended to be far behind where I was in the story. Like a good friend, I responded to them appropriately whenever they came in and then continued on with my story. Eddie was a rockstar and had no problem keeping up. I included everything through dinner and movie time with the father-daughter duo, followed by a movie with Kevin after Lexi went to bed.

Eddie: So he didn't act funny or anything after the kiss?

Me: No. At first, he couldn't meet my eyes and stared at Lexi, but when I didn't bring it back up or make a big deal out of it, he eventually relaxed.

Too scared it would chase him off, I didn’t dare hint at anything else after that.

Eddie: So what are you going to do?

And wasn't that the million-dollar question. What should I do next? When I wasn't sure how Kevin felt, if our one night had been enough for him, I was willing to be patient. Now that I knew he was still attracted to me, which he definitely was judging by the chubby I saw in his pants after our kiss, I didn't think I had the ability to remain quiet.

Eddie: And what are you going to do about Barry?

Me: Barry? What about him?

Eddie sent back a series of laughing emojis. Then he sent another line of them.

Me: Why are you laughing so hard?

Eddie: Dude, I guarantee Barry called his mom as soon as he left the mall. You know your Aunt Barb called your mom the minute she found out you were seeing somebody to find out why she hadn't told her. Which means, not only does your mom think you have a boyfriend now, she also thinks you hid it from her.

My stomach fell to the ground in a woosh. Eddie was absolutely right. How had I forgotten that I needed to talk to my mother? There was no way that my cousin Barry had kept his big trap shut. He gossiped with his parents worse than a bunch of middle school girls. My mother and aunt were thick as thieves, so they’d definitely talked by now. I was so screwed. I hadn’t wanted to alarm Kevin or make him feel bad, but this was going to cause some waves in my life. My mom would be unnecessarily thrilled but completely hurt I hadn’t told her myself. Then what was I going to do later if I didn’t miraculously end up landing my handsome single dad? Pretend we broke up?

Me: Crap. You're right. I keep getting sidetracked by that kiss.

Eddie: I know. So what are you going to do?

Me: Shit, I don't know. You know how badly my mom wants me in a relationship. She's going to be so disappointed.

Eddie: Dude. You better call her.

I glanced at my bedside clock. 11:30 PM was way too late to call my mom. Not because she was asleep, but because she was likely reading quietly while my father slept next to her. Then there was the same pesky reason I hadn’t called Eddie. There was no way I’d take a chance on Kevin overhearing me.

Me: I guess I'll have to wait until morning.

Eddie: And hot dad? What are you going to do about him?