If he let me, I would stay here on the couch in his office. My back wouldn’t love me in the morning, but it wouldn’t matter. Slowly he pushed me out of his arms, stood and held out his hand.
“Come with me.”
I opened my mouth, another snarky reply on my tongue when Logan kissed me again, preemptively shushing me. It worked. His tongue slid in between my lips, rough, probing, and filled with passion. He broke away first and held his hand out again. I didn’t say a word and firmly placed my hand in his. Logan tugged me to my feet, leading me out of his office and into another room. His private suite.
“I haven’t stayed here in a long time. Sometimes I rent it out to close friends,” he explained. “There’s plenty of space.”
I surveyed the suite, nodding admiringly. It was bigger than I’d pictured. A huge four-poster bed was on the far right-hand side. It showcased an intricate headboard. One you could easily attach cuffs, ropes, or whatever else you wanted to. There was a small hallway that led to the bathroom along with chairs piled with cushions and blankets along with a table and a few chairs. I saw a water cooler and realized I’d been paying attention to everything else in the room instead of Logan.
Clearing my throat, I returned my gaze to his. “I can make it home if I leave now.”
“You can either stay here or I can drive you home. If you choose the second option, I’ll pick you up tomorrow so you can get your car.”
Logan was taking his role as my Dom seriously, and he somehow knew I was not as with it as I may have appeared. Driving tired was one of the biggest causes of automobile accidents. I knew better. “Here is fine.”
“Good choice. Do you need something to wear?”
“Thanks, but I’ll be okay. Sometimes I get caught in less at the Firehouse while my uniform and backup uniform are washed and dried.”
Stripping off my t-shirt left me in a gray A-line tank and gray boxer-briefs. Logan flicked his gaze from the lower half of my body to my eyes. Heat rose to my cheeks, and I fought to keep a snarky challenge from falling out of my mouth.
“Karsyn asked me to kiss her tonight,” he mentioned.
I was thankful for the subject change, but not for the red-hot jealousy that shot through my veins. Which one of them was I jealous of? Both, I decided. But I didn’t say that, because that would be admitting weakness and that was something I didn’t do. Instead, I settled for getting more information. “Do you two know each other? She was practically begging for you to do something in the medical room without saying a word.”
“Karsyn stopped by my store last week. I helped her find a few toys and we seemed to have a bit of a spark. She moved out here about a year ago.”
And there went my resolve to not have an opinion. “Well, good for the both of you. Wish you had said something before I sucked you off,” I said haughtily. My tone sounded angry and jealous, things I didn’t typically feel when it came to relationships. Somehow, I did with them. Both of them.
I hadn’t expected him to mention Karsyn, something that confused me. I thought about what it might be like for the three of us to be in a relationship, but I’d barely admitted it to myself. Were the same wild thoughts playing through Logan’s mind?
“Karsyn said she didn’t want to wedge herself in between… us.”
“Did you ask her what she would think if we wanted her there?” The question came out unbidden, and the jealousy faded instantly. I wanted to know what she’d feel like in between us physically. Suddenly the weight of my words hit me. I had been poised to get into bed, but I spun around. Logan had already crossed the room and I wound up pressed against his chest.
“That’s not what I meant, Logan. I don’t know why I asked you such a stupid question.”
“It’s not stupid. I asked Karsyn the same question.”
Nope. A huge nope. Even though somehow it seemed like we were moving toward the exact connection I wanted, it was scary. I needed to quickly thwart this plan before I found myself on my knees again. “No, we aren’t a thing. A relationship,” I clarified. “And we never will be.”
“Before you tell me a million reasons why we can’t get into a relationship, give me a chance.”
Give him a chance? If he had any idea how very close I was to throwing myself at his feet and promising to be his good boy forever, he’d never let me live it down. Or maybe he would. Logan surprised the hell out of me tonight. I rubbed the back of my neck. The night had played out miles away from what I expected; it couldn’t get any wilder. Could it? I stared at his handsome face and finally let out a groan.
“I can’t entertain–”
“I will gag you so you can’t throw excuses or insecurities at me, August. At least until you think about it.”
Glaring, I shut my mouth with an audible smack. I did not want to push him. Not when he was about to give me what I’d been longing for. At least he sure sounded like he was about to offer it.
“Good boy,” he praised. “What I said to Karsyn is what I’ll say to you. I’ve been wanting a three-person relationship for longer than I can remember. I see the potential here with us. I’m on board.”
I opened my mouth to protest, and Logan stuck his thumb inside as if anticipating a rant. Something must have flickered across my face because he seemed to know I was about to start listing reasons why it wouldn’t work. Fuck. Well, he followed through with his threats. Good to know. I couldn’t say anything with Logan’s thumb firmly planted between my lips and I raised my eyebrows.
“I’m not going to push you into something you don’t want, August. However, there is a spark between the three of us. We should explore it. Don’t you think so?” Logan stroked one of the knuckles on his free hand along my cheek.
It took a lot of control not to bite him, but I knew doing so wouldn’t help us get to a good spot. And it sure as hell wouldn’t get him the answers to the questions he kept tossing in my direction.