“Then you’ll have to wait. Being naughty will get you punished but not necessarily with a paddle. I’d like to figure out what sort of things push your buttons in a good way, and what… doesn’t.”
His breath ghosted across my jaw as he spoke, and I shivered. “So, if a paddle really turns me on, and I’m naughty, you won’t punish me with it?”
“It depends on what you were doing and what type of behavior you’re exhibiting. I don’t always use physical discipline. Now, don’t misunderstand me. If you’re into spanking for pleasure, we can absolutely explore it. I will indulge you there. However, I’m talking about discipline and punishment in general.”
I stared at him for a few seconds, trying to understand. “Can you clarify?”
“I can, but your friends are waiting for you. Let’s not keep them.”
“But I have so many questions.”
“I am happy to answer as many questions as you can think of, darling, but it’s getting late. Give me your phone again so I can add my number.”
I unlocked my phone and handed it to Logan once more. He quickly added his number and sent himself a text so he would have mine. That was a clever, bold move. I liked it. “Logan...”
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“I’m really attracted to you.” I held my hand out for my phone, and he set it in my hand.
“What reaction are you hoping for right now?”
I swallowed hard. What did I want? I hadn’t confessed my feelings, not exactly, but I had referred to his physical appearance because nothing bad ever came from a little ego-stroking. I licked my lips as he stared at me, waiting for an answer. “I don’t know.”
Logan opened the door to the lounge. “If you do need anything, let me know.”
“A kiss,” I whispered.
Why was it so hard to voice my wants? Needs were even harder to speak about, but wants seemed impossible enough. Fear of rejection could be my life motto. It seemed like fear of success loomed in a worse way. Rejection I could get over, but success meant I had to continue doing it. If Logan became my boyfriend what would the next step be? Becoming a throuple with August? I barely knew if I could handle one Dominant, let alone two.
He leaned against the doorjamb, one of my hands still clutched in his, and pulled me into the space with him. Logan traced my lips with the fingers on his free hand, lightly teasing. It should be a sin to turn me on so much from one simple touch. I blinked several times, hoping he would hurry up. Leaning closer, he licked my neck once before kissing my lips in a sensual, teasing manner. He didn’t kiss me for long and when he pulled back, a tiny sound of displeasure fell out of my mouth.
“Patience,” he said, chuckling. “We have plenty of time to get to know each other. Come on.”
I nodded, following him out of the lounge into the hallway. One kiss had my mind reeling with possibilities and I couldn’t wait to explore them with Logan.
Now, if only I could strike up the nerve to talk to August…
What the hell had I been thinking by provoking Wicked? Logan wasn’t someone I’d pick out of a crowd to poke on a regular day, so what possessed me to do so at his club?
I asked myself the question, but I already knew the answer. He was solidly built. Muscled. Attractive. Handsome. So handsome that I routinely found myself flustered around him. No one judged me in Falcon Creek, but I still kept my sexuality closely guarded. I wasn’t hiding exactly, but my family would not accept my attraction to both men and women. I pushed the problem aside for the moment. I had a bigger issue. Logan Wilde promised me a scene tonight.
Walking to the front desk as if we were going for a beer, I casually leaned against it. Logan had his arms crossed in front of him and he raised an eyebrow when I approached.
“I don’t like to be kept waiting,” he said sternly. “Did something more important cause you to be late?”
His tone sounded like a mixture of authoritative dipped in playful banter. If he wasn’t shooting such a dominant look in my direction, I might have fucked around.
“I may have had to convince myself to actually walk over here instead of going straight home.” I shrugged but told him the truth instead of hiding behind my false bravado.
“Why’s that?”
“I don’t know if you’re worth my time.” I looked away and rubbed my throat. Damn it. The lie flew right out of my mouth. I’d been accused of being a cocky, arrogant asshole on more than one occasion because I hid my true self under so many layers. Glancing back at him, I wondered if he knew the truth better than I did.
Logan’s eyes narrowed, and for a moment I thought he was going to walk away, but instead he pointed to a spot on the floor in front of him. “Get on your knees in front of me and apologize for your flippant reply.”