I gathered my things and Logan led me out of the medical room. We traversed the hallways while I remembered what my friend had said on our way to the club. Eloise had explained in great length and detail that the club had security measures in place. Kendall mentioned If I felt unsafe or compromised in any way, I could yell the universal safeword—Butterball—or ‘Red’. There were cameras strategically placed through the playrooms and main spaces equipped with microphones and intercom systems. Both of them had gone on in detail about how important it was to ensure everyone’s safety. I should have stayed near them instead of wandering off by myself. Or maybe not, because now I got to be alone with Logan.
“Do you own this club, Wicked?”
“Yes, I’m one of three owners. There’s a back porch where you can smoke.” He opened the door to the employee lounge and led me through the small room to another door that led outside to a covered patio area, with lots of cozy furniture and tables.
Sitting casually on the oversized sofa outside, I pulled my cigarettes and a lighter from my purse. “Thank you. Is your club name the reason why no one can have ‘wicked’ in their play name?”
Logan winked. “Mm. I’m wildly intrigued about what name you attempted to use. Yes, you’re correct. The only exception is someone belonging to me in a very specific dynamic.”
I raised the cigarette to my lips, and he touched the top of my hand, halting the action. Looking down, I saw that I’d lit the wrong end. Sheepishly crushing out the mistake, I lit another one. “I, uh, haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. In fact, I only came here tonight hoping to see you and then I had a stupid attack, and I don’t even know if I’ll be able to get enough bravery to come back…”
“Hey. Take a breath.”
Nodding, I did as instructed. Babbling to Logan about how I felt made the butterflies in my tummy worse. “It took a lot to come out here tonight.”
“May I ask you a personal question?”
“Is this your first visit to a club?”
I stared into his gorgeous green eyes, considering how to reply. I could tell him the truth along with all the sordid details, or I could lie. I knew how to lie but I never executed it well. Besides, it’s not like Logan was in the role of my Dom. Technically we were strangers. I didn’t have to answer him. After a few awkward seconds of silence, I shrugged.
“You don’t have to talk about something that makes you uncomfortable but if we’re talking and I ask you a question, I’d like a verbal reply. Can you do that for me?”
“Yes, I can. Um, I don’t really want to talk about it. My….” I blew out several breaths.
No one except for Eloise and my sister, Charlotte, knew the entire story. Letting the cigarette distract me, I pulled on it a few times. Logan sat near enough that his leg leaned against mine without being overly touchy.
“I thought my ex-boyfriend was a Dom. Turns out he was just an asshole on a power trip. He manipulated me. Gaslit me. Played on my biggest insecurities and fears instead of guiding me into a better place. Used my kinks to shame me instead of engaging in them. Told me I didn’t need a daddy. He couldn’t handle any of my wants and none of my needs.” Fuck. I hadn’t meant to share the last part. Eli had assured me a million times that it was okay to talk about kinks tonight, but it left me feeling vulnerable again.
“I hate to hear you experienced such a thing. Manipulation is terrible in any relationship or dynamic, and in my opinion even worse in a dominant-and-submissive lifestyle. Did he play with you at a club?”
I crushed out the cigarette and disposed of the butt. “Yeah.”
Logan leaned back against the couch, crossing one leg casually over the other so his foot rested on his thigh. “If you’d ever like to give the club experience another try, let me know. Do you still have my card?”
Did I still have his card? This man had no idea how many times I’d traced my hand over it while gathering the nerve to talk to Eli and Kendall about wanting to come and mentioning Logan himself. They’d been eager to bring me, but I had been a nervous wreck.
“Yeah, I’ve got it somewhere,” I lied.
Logan studied my face for a moment. He glanced at my posture and frowned. “Honesty is important to me, Karsyn. Is it your nerves again or are you uncomfortable talking to me?”
“Uh, well, your card might just be next to a certain toy in the drawer of my nightstand. It made sense to keep them together.” I lit another cigarette to distract me from his gorgeous body.
He chuckled, his eyes twinkling with mirth. “Good to know. You can email me or contact me through the website. I’m happy to put you on the VIP list at no charge so you can enjoy your next night. The cost will be covered.”
“Thanks, but I don't know anyone. I’m not sure I can trust someone enough to negotiate a scene. Eloise knows everyone. I’m not the social-butterfly type like her.”
Logan shrugged. “I’d be happy to negotiate with you. We can sit in my office and talk about what you’d like to experience as well as your limits. Are you interested, Karsyn?”
Something between glee and terror washed over my body. I shook my head. “Sure.”
“You’re not interested, or you are?”
“Yes,” I said firmly. “You’re the only reason I even wanted to come here.”
He gave a coy smile and dropped his leg to the floor. “Yes, you’d like to negotiate a scene?”