Wandering to aisle six, I found the section Logan mentioned. There were so many different types of vibrators! Ones you inserted. Ones you held to your clit. Vibrators with extra pieces that stroked your g-spot. Different speeds. Different shapes. Remote-controlled ones.
Sighing, I glanced at the questionnaire. On the back of it I saw I’d overlooked the writing below the aisle number. There were suggestions! Though I’d been embarrassed and overwhelmed initially, I took a leap of faith. Trusting the recommendations, I placed a clitoral vibrator in my basket along with an egg-shaped toy, wondering what they would feel like.
Circling back toward the front of the store, I ordered an iced caramel macchiato and a cheese Danish. The sign above the café read, “Wicked Coffee”. Clever. Logan proved to be right again. I wasn’t picky when it came to coffee anyway, but it was better than I thought it would be. After enjoying my treats, I stood and returned to the main shop.
Browsing a few more aisles, I selected a small package of butt plugs. They ranged in size from small to medium. A slightly bigger plug had a remote control which would allow me to change the sensations mid-use. Or allow someone else to change them. A sleek enema bulb also came in the package, but I would not be experimenting with that. Keeping my head down, I bumped into a phallic-looking object on an endcap. Waterproof for hours of fun. A suction cup and replacement were visible through the plastic packaging. What could the harm be?
After shopping for toys, I looped around the aisle containing lube. I’d never realized how many different types, styles, and apparently flavors, of lube were available. I plucked two small bottles into my hand and set them in the basket.
My nerves prickled. Logan stood at the main desk alone. No one else appeared to be working in the store today. Mortified over the notion of him ringing out my purchases, I hurried to the self-checkout, pretending not to notice him. Score! After several long, angry beeps from the machine, I sighed. So much for technology. “Why can’t you just work?”
Logan strode to the self-checkout register. “Not playing nice today, huh?”
“Me or the register?”
He chuckled, a low hearty sound. “I meant the robotic cashier, but now that you’ve brought it up–”
“Are you playing nice today?”
“Yes, extremely nice.”
“Mmmhmm. Let’s see if this works.” Logan punched in a few codes muttering under his breath, but he didn’t appear irritated. One singular beep responded.
“Did that little cashier tell you off?” I asked in mock surprise, attempting to make light of the situation.
“She did,” he answered, chuckling. “But don’t worry, I’ll handle her later.”
Fuck. I didn’t hate the way the threat-slash-promise fell from his lips. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say there was a high chance Logan might be into the sort of things I’d been seeking. Stop it, Kars. Not every sexy man who growled and had a beard and acted dominant was into BDSM. He cocked an eyebrow and I realized he’d asked me a question. I needed to get a hold of myself.
“I… uh… I’m sorry, Logan. What did you ask me?”
“I didn’t ask you a question. I told you to follow me to the main desk. The self-checkout is out of order until the machine resets, which can take thirty minutes or more.”
Before I could say anything or argue, Logan grabbed my basket in his right hand and escorted me to the register with a nod. Heat rose to my cheeks. I never got worked up, so what was my problem? I focused on the beeping instead of the way his forearms flexed while he rang up the items. Suddenly he donned gloves and opened the vibrator, flipping it over to get to the battery door.
“What are you doing?” I tried to sound casual, but my voice cracked.
Logan paused and pointed to a large sign encased in glass under the register. “If you leave here and you get home and you insert batteries into your new device, and it doesn’t work? You’re shit out of luck. If I test it and it doesn’t work, I get you a new one from the back.”
“Do you speak to all of your customers like that?”
“I have a zero-return policy. It’s posted in several locations. As a bonus, you receive a courtesy bottle of toy cleaner.”
“I don’t want you handling my…” I gestured at the fancy object in his gloved hands, failing on the name. “...clit sucker.”
Logan nodded, his eyes sparkling in amusement. “It’s a clitoral stimulator only. Did you need one with suction instead?”
“No, thank you. Please just keep going with whatever you need to do.” I glanced behind him to avoid meeting his eyes. A large, expertly crafted wooden paddle hung over his head. I couldn’t keep my eyes off it. What did it say? Squinting, I spent far too much time looking at the implement.
“Shoplifters will be punished,” he mused, reading the words on the paddle without turning around. “Behave accordingly.”
“Or... don’t.” Logan continued with his testing of the unit, and it purred to life in his hands.
If I wasn’t already blushing, my cheeks would have matched the hot-pink toy he handled. Flustered, I fanned my face. Tucking a stray piece of hair that had slipped out of my ponytail behind my ear, I sipped the last bit of iced coffee. “I bet you get a lot of attempts, huh?”