“You’ll keep the outfit. I look forward to seeing you in leather.” Kade wiped a stray tear from my cheek. “Go and put it on for me.”

I bit down on my bottom lip, but he ran his thumb across my mouth, prompting me to release the hold. “Listen, I should have asked first.”

“Yes, Cate Foster, you certainly should have.” Kade pulled back to catch my gaze. “You’ve done the best you could to make up for your error tonight. The next time you do something behind my back, you’ll have trouble sitting for a week. Am I understood?”

“Yeah.” I barely got the word out. My pussy clenched as the idea of being permanently his fluttered around in my brain along with the threat of punishment. How the fuck did he always know just what to say to me? Why did Cate Foster sound like the best name in the whole freaking world? “I’ll go and get it on.”

“You said that as if you had a choice. Hurry up. You’re in enough trouble already. Don’t keep Daddy waiting.”

I scurried out of the room, but once I got upstairs, I stared at the gorgeous leather pieces and rubbed my hands over them for a long time. I knew better than to steal money, especially when Kade probably would have bought the damn outfit for me if I had asked. Ten minutes later I had it on, and I looked completely badass, but I wasn’t ready to head back downstairs. I touched the mask on my face, and thought back to the night the two of us had met. So much had changed in such a short span of time.

The hallway creaked and I blew out a breath. Kade poked his head into the room, and his eyes widened as he studied me. I also bought a pair of black cargo pants which gave the whole effect a military style. I twirled around once, and then raised an eyebrow.

“It’s sexy as hell.” He stepped into the room and tugged me against him. “Just like you.”

“I feel like there is a but coming on,” I lamented.

“But, do you think it’s nice to steal from someone who’s been providing for your every need?”

“No, uh, it was a naughty move on my part.”

“Yes, it was, so how do you think I should respond?”

“I think the delicious meal in your stomach might sway you to let this one slide.”

“Oh? Is that what your motivations were, sweetheart? Trick me into eating a decadent meal in order to forgive your thievery?”

“Thievery sounds a bit harsh,” I squeaked. “I simply protected myself for the next encounter. It was a brilliant move in order to keep safe.”

“Are you implying my orders weren’t keeping your safety in mind, little girl?”

Fuck. He was the brilliant one. Kade twisted my words right around. No matter what I attempted to convey, he’d be a step ahead of me. This man was probably spectacular at chess. “No, Daddy. I wouldn’t say such a thing.”

“Right, so now that I know how you would respond, I’m going to show you how I will.” A slow smile spread across his mouth. “We’re going to go back downstairs, and I’m going to punish your tight little back hole until you’ve learned your lesson.”

“You can’t mean my–” I gulped. “No, way. Can’t you just spank me?”

“Oh yes, I’m going to spank you in addition to what I’ve planned. You’ll also have to earn the right to have an orgasm. Are we clear?”

“Oh my God.”

“No, you can just call me Daddy.”



Of course, I knew about the expensive suit Caitlyn had purchased. I wasn’t stupid, and though she hadn’t implied it directly, I wondered what had flitted through her brain when she had the items shipped to Cate Foster. When I’d logged online to verify the credit card, it had taken a lot of composure not to ask her. No, I wanted her to tell me to my face about her sticky fingers and my snatched platinum card. I considered popping the question since her first name fit beautifully with my surname under the guise that since she entered it online it was legally bonding, but I wasn’t the sort of man to trick a woman into marrying me.

My cock hardened, and I thought of cold, dark memories to kill my arousal. I peeled the last bit of skin from the ginger root and shaped it into a plug. Caitlyn wasn’t going to enjoy the ordeal planned for her, but if she took it well, I’d let her come. I strode from the kitchen into the living room and drank in her body. So many buckles and straps. I hoped the anticipation drove her wild. I placed the tray in my hands down on the black walnut coffee table. It contained a platter with the ginger root, a smaller piece for her clit, a small bowl of water, a towel, and my short black cane.

“Come over here.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

She obeyed without resistance though she eyed the tray suspiciously. I untied the pretty mask from her even more beautiful face, and then set it down. I tugged at the clasps on her right shoulder and then her left until her upper torso was freed from its leather confines. Caitlyn looked every bit the part of some warrior princess, and I fully enjoyed undressing her until she stood clad only in a tiny black thong. I ran my hand over the gusset of her panties and she moaned.

“You’re wet already?” I tsked and slipped the tiny scrap of fabric off of her body and then bent her down until her body laid flush against the table. “You are a naughty little thing.”