“Did you and Sheila like date or something?”

“No, but we did attend Greymoor High together. I don’t like the idea of Sheila being used in a pawn for his wicked game. She doesn’t love Antonio, at least as far as I know, and she doesn’t want to be anywhere near him or his family. Sheila is a force to be reckoned with by her own accord. Her father has shaped her into quite the powerhouse, and I’m admittedly shocked that Antonio was able to get a hold of her at all. The firm I work for has dealt with her on more than one occasion, and I’ve been privy to several confidentiality agreements. From what I can tell, she’s got good intentions.”

“Do you really think those men were at the pizzeria specifically for me or were we just in a place where they didn’t want any witnesses?” I brushed at my eyes. “It’s just insane to believe I’m some threat to the Morelli family.”

“You’re not a threat exactly, but you prevented Antonio from getting something he wants.”

“So, he’s throwing a world class tantrum?”

“Something along those lines. Will you just accept that this is complicated? If I know you’re safe, then I won’t have to worry about you.”

“Okay, fine. I’ll do my best to follow your rules, but it doesn’t mean I like them.” I kissed his cheek. “Can you forgive me for bruising your leg? I panicked, but I never meant to cause you pain.”

“I already accepted your apology. I’m not angry with you, Caity-bug. I understand you’re still figuring out your strength.”

A screeching ringtone chirped from somewhere in the house.

“What the heck is that?”

“Shit.” He pinched the bridge of his nose and then moved me off his lap. “It’s my work phone. I’ll be right back.



I pouted slightly as I sat on the couch, bored and alone. Kade had been called away for an important meeting, and though I would rather do anything else, I remained in his house. I agreed on many points he had brought up during our disagreement, but I was irritated. The doorbell chimed and I startled. Crap. I had forgotten about the online purchased I’d made the other day.

I raced to the front door, but then stopped. I wasn’t allowed to be out and about in public. That included going outside or opening the door. I waited several minutes, confirmed the FedEx package, checked to see if the delivery guy had left, and then poked my head outside. Several large packages perched on the stoop and I carried them inside with one hand. Neat trick. I can probably carry all of my groceries on one hand now too. The labels were addressed to Cate Foster, since I had to used Kade’s credit card. I had overspent on the amazing pieces, but I pictured myself wearing them and got an absolute badass vibe at the images. Somehow, I’d pay Kade back. He promised to return home by seven o’clock so I had time to cook. If I whipped up something special for dinner it might distract him from punishing my butt. Yes, modeling my outfit will definitely distract him.

I set the boxes down, and then strode to the kitchen. I wasn’t much of a cook, but any hot meal would be five stars compared to what I normally ate. Kade spoiled me rotten, so I’d return the favor.



I hated leaving Caitlyn home by herself, not that I worried about what sort of trouble she could get into, but boredom lent itself to notions of escape. Fuck. She needed to see the positives in all of this mess.

“Hey!” Dustin Holmes, one of the big-shot lawyers at the corporation snapped his fingers a few inches from my face.

“What?” Irritated, I raised my head up from the laptop I’d been typing notes on.

“We asked several times for your opinion, Kade, and you haven’t answered us.” Dustin spread his hands out. “Are we interrupting you?”

Shit. I never lost focus during an important meeting, and this had been called over the weekend which normally didn’t happen. I wasn’t a key player in this particular case, but they usually asked for my input to which I gave freely.

“I apologize, can you please repeat the question?” I forced myself to focus on the agenda and circumstances which caused this impromptu meeting in the first place, but it was hard as my thoughts were distracted.

“Salvador Delgado has requested several unusual documents be notarized and sealed.” Dustin sat back down in his seat. “Normally we wouldn’t take on this sort of request, but he trusts us implicitly.”

“We’ve completed unusual requests from him before, why is this one any different?” I scratched my chin. Sheila’s father literally owned half the city. He had a lot of power, but he seldom sent us an urgent proposal of some sort which gathered us at the office on a Saturday.

“It involves his daughter, Sheila Delgado.” Dustin slid a thick packet to me. “Go ahead and check them out. Tell us what you think, Kade.”

I tugged out the papers and inwardly sighed. This meeting was going to be a lot longer than I’d originally thought. I wanted nothing more than to return home to the sassy little blonde who was waiting for me, but this situation needed to be handled.

