I fought the urge to grab Antonio by his balls and make the rest of his night beyond uncomfortable.

“Greetings! I received your charming note. To what do I owe the pleasure of your invitation?”

Antonio studied me like I’d lost my mind, and maybe I had.

“I’ve had enough of your games. Sometimes the enemy of my enemy is my friend. But I’m done with your meddlin’.”

“Do you mean meddling? Wow, did someone look up that big word for you?”

“You’ve gotten in my way too many times. I was supposed to marry Sheila and your bitch of a sister interfered in my plans.”

“You think the young woman tied to the chair is my sister?” I laughed. “You had better apologize profusely.”

Antonio frowned, as if he suddenly realized his error but then he shook his head. “Don’t you go trying to trick me. I know you, Kade Foster. You and your sister have been in my way just like your fucking parents were in my way.”

“What do my parents have to do with anything? They’ve been gone a long, long time.”

“They was investigating my family, namely my father. I couldn’t allow them to uncover all of the things we have been involved in, you know?”

Rage burned through my veins with such ferocity that I had to physically close my eyes and force a moment, and then I opened them slowly. “Did you hurt my parents?”

“I, uh, wasn’t there that night, but it was raining pretty heavy. It’s sorta hard to control your vehicle on slick roads when the brake line was nearly cut through. ‘Course no one ever found that out.” Antonio smiled smugly, but Caitlyn snapped the ropes and punched him in the face. He recovered quicker than I could, and he brought his gun up to her forehead and clicked off the safety. “Don’t you try that again, freak, or I’ll blow your pretty blonde head straight off your shoulders.”

“I’m so done with your shit,” Caitlyn spat.

“Ah, so you’re the little bitch who dislocated my collarbone, fractured three of my ribs, and almost made it impossible for me to father any children.” Antonio steadied his right hand. “I knew yous looked familiar.”

“You’ve done a lot of awful things, Antonio, but shooting a stranger point blank is a bit heartless even for you.” I attempted to draw the attention away from my gorgeous girlfriend, but Antonio refused to take the bait.

“Oh, no, I’ve seen this chick. She was the one in Devil’s Park. I thought it was your sister, which would have just been icing on the damn cupcake. Taking out your whole family would have been poetic justice, you know? I guess I’ll just have to grab your sexy sister some other time.”

“What the fuck are you talking about? What the hell did my family do to yours? I can’t imagine what you think they did, especially something awful enough for you to take out your revenge on all of the people I’ve ever cared about.” I pushed away all the anger and additional questions. I needed to get the gun away from Antonio.

“It ain’t worth my breath to tell you, Kade. You’re just a worthless son-of-a-bitch pretty boy. You don’t mean nothing to no one,” Antonio mumbled, but his eyes never left Caitlyn’s. “Beg for your life, girlie.” He laughed. “You had this coming just for getting in my way.”

“Didn’t you already try to kill me when you set fire to Joe’s Pizzeria?” Cate pursed her lips. “I mean, let’s call it what it is. Haven’t you been wondering what happened to me?”

“You worked at Joe’s?” Antonio asked in an incredulous tone. “Well, isn’t that an interesting little tidbit. Nope. I had my own beef with, Joe. It’s a shame you didn’t burn right along with him, but I’ll take care of you tonight.”

“Your goons shot at me!” Cate threw a heated glare at me, but I shot one back. There wasn’t time to hash out past crap but their exchange granted the opportunity for me to move closer to Antonio. He noticed the movement and pulled another gun which he sighted on me.

“Hey! You stay still, punk.” He ignored Caitlyn’s outburst. “This little thing mean something to you? I’ll bite. Take another step and I’ll make her watch you die first.”

Fuck. How the hell had Antonio gained the upper hand so quickly? For a dumb ass he wasn’t wrong in his observation. I needed to play my cards right.

“You’ve been saying you’ve wanted to take me out for a while. Go ahead, Antonio, but do it like a real man. Put the gun away and come fight me.” I gestured for him to advance.

Antonio sneered. “I don’t fight. I don’t like freaks in my city and the two of yous are freaks with a capital ‘F’.”

“I’m a freak too, Antonio,” Sheila Delgado shouted as she sashayed through the door. “Why are you wasting your time on these two losers, baby? We have lots to talk about.”

“Sheila? I thought you was hiding out at one of Daddy’s mansions.” Antonio lowered the guns. “Have you changed your mind, baby? You wanna get hitched?”

“They got nothing on you.” Sheila pointed at Caitlyn and then toward me. “Once we’re in charge of the city, baby, they won’t have a pot to piss in.” She grinned. “I’m so sorry I ran off. I just got cold feet, but I’ve thought about it. Everything you told me about the business proposals and the network being established is something I can get behind. Let’s do this.”

“If we’re going to do all that, then let me just wrap up this unfinished business. I can’t have it hanging over my head.” Antonio brandished his gun in my direction. “I’ve waited a long time to take out this punk.”

“Listen, honey muffin,” Sheila cooed. “I don’t care about this trash. We got big plans to lay out. Come on, they won’t be any more trouble for you. I’m impatient, baby. I want to write up the papers tonight. I can’t go through another minute of my life not being Mrs. Antonio Morelli.”