Page 54 of Missing in Action

Watching, Tyler ached for both of them.

Finn didn’t say anything, so Holden went on. “I got an advance for the book. It’s yours.”

Finn shook his head. “No.”


“No, Holden.”

“Guys, let’s not argue over money,” Tyler interjected in a bid to lighten the mood. “And can I get some iced tea? I’m dying of thirst here.”

Finn gave a wan smile. He filled a glass with ice and set it on the counter, then moved off to a fridge to take out a jug.

“You should have let me persuade him,” Holden murmured, watching Finn.

“You can’t persuade him if he doesn’t want it, babe,” Tyler replied.

Holden threw him a look. “Did you just call me babe?”

Tyler blushed. “Yeah. Sorry.”

Holden smiled. It was a tender smile, his dark eyes soft. “Don’t be.”

“Noted,” Tyler said with a grin and felt his insides dissolve into warm treacle. He liked the feeling a lot.

Finn filled the glass and Tyler gulped it down in one. “And another, please.”

Finn smiled and refilled. “And for you?”

“I’ll take the same,” Holden said. “And will you at least think about it? You could use it for art school.”

Finn put another glass on the counter. “No. Now what are you guys having to eat?”

Holden sighed. “Can I have a menu?”

“Sure.” Finn put down two laminated cards, then walked back into the kitchen.

Tyler squeezed Holden’s knee. “Let him be.”

Holden glanced at him. “You can have it then.”


“The money.”

Tyler frowned. “No.”

“Yes. You can get a better leg. See the best doctor for your phantom limb pain.”

Tyler swallowed. “Just how much money are we talking about?”

“Quite a lot.” Holden took a drink of his iced tea.

“I can’t.”

“You can.”

“No.” Tyler glanced to the kitchen and lowered his voice. “Listen, Finn’s mental health is precarious. He could pull out of this at any moment. You know that, right?”