“Sure. What’s the name?”

“Astrid Kinsley.”

“Oh okay, give me one moment while I look,” she pauses. There’s typing on a keyboard in the background. “Okay. You said you wanted to cancel the application? Is that right?”

“Yes. We want to cancel.”

“You were supposed to have an appointment this evening to see the apartment and place the deposit.” She sounds confused, her voice trailing off.

“I know, and I’m so sorry,” I say confidently. “But we found another place.”

“Oh. Really?” She sounds surprised and I don’t blame her. From the little I know about the rental market in this area, apartments are hard to come by.

“Yes, thank you so much.”


I hang up feeling elated and eagerly text Astrid.


Need to talk to you tonight.

When she doesn’t immediately respond, I add:

It’s urgent.

That gets her attention. The message immediately is marked read. I don’t feel guilty getting her attention this way. It is urgent. She just doesn’t know it yet.

I see the three dots appear and then stop. I can’t help but smile at my phone as I watch what I’m sure is her confusion.

She eventually settles on:



I know she’ll be mad when she finds out, but she’ll be less mad when she hears my apology.


Step Two of Operation Win Back Astrid: I grab my keys off the counter and head to the grocery store, packing the cart full of the list of Astrid’s favorite snacks and drinks.

Step Three: I order dinner from her favorite restaurant.

I want everything to be prepared and ready for her when she gets home.

And then I’ll take Step Four: convince her to stay.



Despite trying my best to make my life go back to normal, I can’t escape the fact that I’m still currently living under the same roof with the man who’s made everything miserable. So of course when he texts, there’s a part of me that can’t say no.

Hopefully that’s a part that I can leave behind once I’ve moved out.

I ignore the first few messages, but when I get the last one, it’s urgent, I can’t help myself, and respond.