I roll my eyes, which makes her laugh.

“Soo….” She grins at me.

“So what?” I don’t like the look on her face.

“Do you like him?” She sounds so hopeful and excited. There’s just something about Heather that brings out emotions I didn’t even know existed. Had anyone else asked me this question, I would blow it off. But Heather wouldn’t accept that anyways.

“I think that I do,” I admit, tentatively. It’s the first time I’ve said the words out loud. Up until this moment I’ve just been shoving them down, deep inside of me hoping that if I didn’t look at them, they might go away.

My feelings are so complex. He’s complex. More than I ever anticipated. I don’t know what that means for us going forward, but it’s nice to not have to navigate these thoughts alone.

“Oohhh. Maybe he’s your soulmate,” she teases, bumping into me.

I love Heather, but she’s a hopeless romantic, and not exactly the most reasonable one of us. I groan. Soulmate. Once she’s said the words, I can’t take them away. He feels like my soulmate. Is that crazy? Too soon?

Oh god. How did I get myself into this position?

“What are you going to do?” she asks, staring at me like I’m the most interesting thing in the world.

“I don’t know yet. Maybe nothing at all… I don’t want to make a big deal out of everything if it’s just a one-time thing. Okay, I guess two-time hookup. But still…”

“Two times?” she squeaks, her eyes going wide.

“Yeah… I guess I didn’t mention that, huh. You remember my birthday?” I tap my fingers anxiously against my leg.

“Uh huh.”

“Yeah well, we had sex that night.”

“I knew it. I knew it.” I’ve never seen her so happy before. “Astrid!” She squeals. “This is so exciting.”

“I know, I know. You have no idea. It was so freaking romantic and perfect... I hate to even say this out loud, but it was like something out of a fairytale.”

That makes Heather roll her eyes. “I don’t know what kind of fairytales you’re reading.”

I laugh, so deeply grateful that she’s here with me right now.

“So when are you going to make it happen again?”

“Yeah, about that....” I let my words trail off as I think. I’d like it to happen again, and again… and again. “I don’t know. I wasn’t planning on it going past a kiss. I’m not really working with a plan here.” And to make matters more complicated, we live together.

“Well, it sounds serious to me.” Heather looks at me like I have two heads. “I think this is exactly the type of thing Tanner would want to know. In fact,” she gets out her phone, a grin spreading across her face. “I think I’ll text him right now.”

I launch myself across her body to grab her phone from her hands, knocking over the popcorn and causing several people nearby to stare at us. “Don’t you dare.”

“Too late.” She snatches her phone back. “I’m already typing. You can’t stop me.”

“I swear to God, Heather. If you send that text…”

She just smirks at me but slips her phone back in her pocket. “So, you do like living with him.” She wiggles her eyebrows, telling me that living is a euphuism. “And you’re planning on making it official?”

I try to hide the creeping heat that I’m sure colors my cheeks, but Heather doesn’t back down.

“Because I think you should make it official, that way when you plan your wedding you remember this moment and thank me for helping you find the love of your life and allow me to choose my maid of honor dress.”

I groan. “We are not having this discussion.”

Heather laughs. “Unless you two are already….”