And the couch is soft, bigger than some people’s beds. The L- shaped sectional takes up a decent amount of the room. I set up the pillows and blankets and dim the lights so that the living room is warm and cozy.

I turn on the tv and start to try to decide what to watch when I hear the little patter of feet on the stairs. I press the mute button and turn to see Violet, coming down the stairs, her little body wrapped in a blanket, and her cherished teddy bear squeezed to her chest.

“What’s wrong, Violet?” I ask, concerned. I’ve never seen her sad before, and my heart cracks a little at the sight.

She looks like she’s been crying. “I had a bad dream,” she says, her lip quivering as she walks over to me.

“Awe sweetheart, come here,” I say, patting the spot next to me. “Do you want to talk about it?”

She shakes her mess of dark hair.

I guess it is still early. “Do you want to watch a movie with me?” I suggest instead. Maybe something happy and a little company will make her feel better.

She shakes her head yes.

“Okay.” I stand and give her a hug. “I’m going to make us popcorn and then I’ll be right back, okay?”

That makes her eyes light up. “Okay.”

“Which one do you want to watch?” I ask, pausing as I click through the selection.

“That one,” she says.

The tears are dry now, and I’m relieved to see her snuggle into the couch.

I place the popcorn between us, grabbing some ginger ale and a couple other snacks in case she wants something else.

“You feeling any better?” I ask, glancing over at her.

“Yeah.” She grabs a handful of popcorn with a smile.

We pick out a movie and lay on the couch. Violet takes one end and I take the other. We put the popcorn and snacks on the puff between us.

I put my phone beside me. My screen lights up with Sean’s name but I’m too tired to check it. I don’t want to deal with this now. Not while I’m tired and annoyed. Not the right headspace.

My eyelids grow heavy. And I fall asleep, having my own version of a nightmare.



The last thing I want to do after being on an airplane is drive forty-five minutes home with Tommy’s words echoing in my mind. My body aches from being folded up in tiny spaces. Every mile of the drive that I cover seems to only add two more. I’m exhausted, sleep weighing heavy on my eyelids by the time I make it into the neighborhood. The one thought that keeps me going is seeing Violet.

And Astrid.

I owe it to her to explain why I was acting weird before I left. I’m certain that she’ll understand. It’s not her I’m doubting. It’s the time and focus. It’s how deep my feelings are for her already. It’s a good thing, really. And I feel as if I’ve come to a good decision.

I just can’t let myself get distracted. But I know that I can do both.

I talk myself up as I drive from the highway to the residential streets. I even tell myself that she’ll be happier once she knows that choosing her was something I did understanding the potential consequences.

But by the time I make it home, I walk in to find Astrid and Violet asleep on the couch. Violet on one end and Astrid on the other. Both are curled up with a blanket. An empty bowl of popcorn on the table along with cans ginger ale.

The girls really had a night, I guess. I sigh. The conversation will have to wait until tomorrow. I walk over, careful to keep my footsteps light, and place the smallest kiss on her head.

Whatever movie they were watching is over now and the tv screen stuck on the home page of the streaming service they’re on. I clean up the table first, then click off the tv.

This is nice, I think to myself, the vision before me makes my chest ache in the happiest way. This is what I’ve always wanted to come home to. And Astrid so perfectly fits into that role. Seamlessly.