We won. We fucking won. I wake up early and shower before Cory can get up and hog the bathroom of our shared hotel room. I knew Coach Tommy was full of shit. I shake my head at myself in the mirror. I should have never doubted myself or my actions. Everyone has off days. It wasn’t just a me thing. Last night proved that. Of course having a love life after all these years isn’t a distraction. It’s a benefit.

Astrid is a benefit.

I check my phone, but she still hasn’t responded. I hate how I left things between us. I let my internal thoughts affect the external and that wasn’t fair to her. Especially the day after her birthday. I’ll have to make it up to her.

Because she was right. She’s my little lucky charm. I crushed it. I played so well. Everything just clicked. My skates cut through that ice and my speed kept everyone off me. I felt unstoppable. And I scored my first professional goal.

Tommy can go fuck himself.

It’s rare that I wake up smiling like this. The last time that happened, I was with Astrid.

Astrid. I try my best to not to worry about her too much. Even after I get dressed and brush my teeth, she still hasn’t responded. I consider sending her an apology, but I’m not sure she’s even mad at me. Maybe she’s just busy?

She texted me last night to wish me luck, but then I never heard from her again. Not even after the game. She must have fallen asleep. Which is why I continue to try to distract myself now.

I miss her. My chest aches. I’m not used to missing someone so much. But supposedly this is normal and happens to people. Or at least that’s what Connor said. I just need to focus on something else.

Which is why I fixate my energy on annoying Cory.

“Dude, wake up,” I yell, grabbing a pillow and throwing it at his face. “We have to be in the lobby in thirty minutes.”

A gargled sound comes out of his mouth.

Jesus. I walk over to the wall and flick on the light. How can someone live like this? “Wake up, man. We’ve got to go. Come on.”

I might’ve stayed out all night drinking and partying when I was younger, but I could never do that now. I shake my head as I watch Cory try to get himself out of bed only to trip over the sheets around his feet.

At least he didn’t try to bring back some random girl this time. I guess since turning pro he has formed a reputation for getting sloppy drunk and taking back the first person that’ll have him. Connor told me how he woke up to Cory’s whiskey dick and a disappointed puck bunny this time last year.

I don’t think there’s enough alcohol in the world to forget that sight.

Cory and I might have partied a lot when we were younger, but since I had Violet, my life has really slowed down. My priorities have changed. And when Victoria left, I didn’t start dating again.

Not that the gossip sites care. I’m always pictured with someone. Not even people I’m with. Most of the time it’s with someone else’s date who just happens to be next to me at the time. Sometimes, especially when I go too long without being seen, they even use an old picture. But for whatever reason, my dating life has become a scandal.

Cory here never has to deal with that.

I type out another quick message to send to Astrid.


About to leave. Can’t wait to see you.

I tap my fingers against the screen, considering calling her. It’s not like her to not respond. And I haven’t heard from her since last night. I lock my phone screen only to unlock it a moment later and check my messages again. I know that she has her phone on her. She always does. And it never takes her this long to respond to me.

Shit. Maybe I was acting weirder than I realized before I left.

I can’t shake the feeling that something is wrong. Thank God we’re going home today. She can avoid my messages but she can’t avoid me. I make quick work of packing my suitcase and I’m down in the hotel lobby right on time. I’m honestly surprised Cory made it without help. I was fully prepared to leave him in that room.

Coach Matt gathers us all together, marking off the mental roll call as he scans us and then nods to Tommy, and the rest of us follow them out the doors to the bus.

I check my phone again. She’s still not messaged me. Maybe her phone died?

I do anything to distract myself on our way to the airport. Cory is passed out next to me, and I have to shake him awake as we drive up to departures.

I hate traveling with the team. There’s obviously more attention when we’re all together. I wore my hat in hopes that people won’t notice me. But my height makes me pretty hard to miss.

When we get through security without incident, I’m hopeful that no one recognizes us the rest of the day. It’s not that I don’t like being a professional athlete, I just hate the attention. I hate talking to people, really. But of course, we couldn’t get so lucky. Nearly a dozen random people trip over themselves as they spot us walking towards our terminal.