Heather isn’t exactly a huge sports fan, so it is sweet to see her care so deeply for Connor. Tanner too, although I don’t think that either of them would admit to sappy emotions over a game.

I tuck my feet beneath me and cuddle into Heather. Tanner does his version of that by sitting on the chair next to us with his laptop open and his attention split three ways: work, the game, and us in that order.

The camera cuts to the announcers as they narrate the start of the game. They give the stats of various as the players as the guys take the ice.

My attention perks up when I hear Sean’s name. The season is early but he’s already a rookie on everyone’s radar. I’m surprised by the sense of pride that swells within me.

The first period starts as the ref skates to center ice and the puck drops. It is crazy how fast the players are from the moment the game begins. These giant men tearing across the ice with speed and grace I didn’t realize was possible.

It is hard to keep track of Sean’s jersey, Number Four.

“They move so fast,” I say. Were they always that fast?

Tanner nods his head silently and Heather stares at the screen, hands clutched beneath a blanket that hovers anxiously near her face, like she might have to cover her eyes at any moment.

“Are you okay?” I laugh, swatting at her hands.

“I don’t know how people watch sports,” she groans. “This is too stressful.” She brings her thumb to her lips and starts to chew on her nail.

The puck comes loose and three guys barrel towards it at full speed, slamming into one another and taking the fight against the wall. I can practically hear the punches, wincing and having to look away.

“Maybe you’re right. This is kind of stressful.” My pulse hammers at the thought that someone might punch Sean. I don’t think I can handle watching him get hurt.

The guys skate at rocket speed, I can’t imagine how badly it hurts when someone slams into you. I readjust myself on the couch, feeling Heather’s nerves now.

“Has Connor ever gotten seriously hurt?” I ask Tanner.

“He broke his arm one year,” Tanner says, nonchalantly, typing away at his computer.

My heart squeezes in my chest. “Oh my god, was that hard on you?” I can’t imagine seeing Sean get hurt. I don’t think that I could handle it. Seeing him sad was painful enough.

“Nah,” Tanner says, looking up, he pauses for second, as if trying to recall the memory. “The hardest part was probably dealing with his attitude after.”

“Really?” That’s surprising. I wouldn’t have thought about the aftereffects.

“Oh yeah,” Tanner snorts. “Connor became insufferable. You’ve never seen dramatics until you’ve seen a professional athlete be told that they have to sit on the bench for the rest of the season.” He rolls his eyes. “Luckily for our marriage, I’ve only had to deal with it once, though.”

I grab one of the pillows from the couch and squeeze it to my chest. I know how much hockey means to Sean. I’d hate to see something like that happen to him. I can’t even imagine how badly it would affect him.

He would do anything to stay on this team. Anything.

The announcers keep us entertained between periods. It is similar enough to football that I can make sense of some things. So when they start discussing the team’s personal lives, I’m not surprised. But I am surprised when I hear Sean’s name.

I sit up a little straighter as I listen.

“Well, you know Sean Daniels. Rookie season. Do you think he has promise?”

“Well Chuck, I think if he can keep it together, avoid the media spotlight, unlike how he started his minor league career, I think he’ll have a real chance of leading the league in points.”

There is a group laugh that sends fear down my spine.

“You’re referring to Sean’s first season with the Hawks?”

The screen flashes to pictures of tabloids. Every title more scandalous than the next. A new woman on his arm every night.

“As long as what’s happening on the ice is more interesting than his dating life, I think he’ll be alright.”

The blood must rush from my body because I feel lightheaded without moving. My hands feel clammy and nausea crawls at the back of my throat. The room starts to close in around on me.