She doesn’t deserve this.

I open the door, but I stand there, my gaze lingering on Astrid and Violet.

"I love you.”

I say it to Violet, but if I’m being honest, it's for both of them, a final peace offering, as the door closes behind me.



Ialways planned to watched Sean’s first away game with Heather and Tanner and the kids. Heather promised that there would be food. So I’m excited to go, but surprised at how nervous I feel to watch Sean play.

He seemed off before he left for the airport. I chalked it up to pre-game nerves. He was happy before he left that morning for practice. Really, really happy. But when he got home, it seemed as if everything had changed.

But I’m sure it’s because of the game. I get it. The nerves are probably more than he likes to admit to us. He pretends to be stronger than he is. But I know how good he is and how badly he wants this. Sure, he’s playing on national television and the whole world can see him. But he’s going to do great.


I can’t imagine how sad he would be if his career was in jeopardy if that’s how he acted after one bad practice.

The thought that he could ever fail makes me shiver as I wait on the front porch with Violet after ringing the doorbell.

“Hi,” Heather says, bouncing up and down, wrapping her arms around me. “I missed you so much.” She swings her head of red curls around.

“I missed you too,” I say. I pat her back, glancing down to make sure Violet is still next to me.

“Come in, come in,” she says, standing back to let us in. “Tanner made us dinner. And by made dinner I mean he ordered us food.” She laughs.

“Wow, this place is stunning.” I stare around me. It is like walking into a freaking magazine.

“I know, right? I’m never leaving,” she says, twirling as she walks.

I follow behind her, feeling a little bit out of place. Sean’s home is beautiful, but the shock has started to wear off as it begins to feel more like home. This, however, very clearly screams, out of my league.

I hold Violet’s hand as we walk in, but she’s quick to run away once she spots Jake.

The entryway is large, immediately opening to the double staircase and open floor plan. A giant crystal chandelier glistens in the warm lighting of the house. I make it a few steps, my mouth open in shock, before I remember to take off my shoes.

“And this is the living room,” Heather says, casually, leading us through the house as if she didn’t just live in a studio apartment.

I blink, suddenly remembering she’s there, my attention so distracted by the luxury around me.

“Have a seat on the couch, I’m just going to grab myself a drink. Do you want anything?” she asks from the kitchen.

“No, I’m alright, thank you.” I plop down on the plush couch, sinking into the cushions. I wonder how expensive a couch has to be to feel this good.

“We have snacks until the food gets here, do you want something to eat?”

“No, I’m good, thank you.”

“You’re sure you don’t need anything,” Heather asks me for the third time. “Water, beer, nothing?”

“I told you I’m fine,” I laugh. She likes to take care of people when she’s nervous. “Sit down before your anxiety rubs off on Tanner or me.”

“Okay, okay.” She plops down with a huff.

I glance over at Tanner, who has the same amused look on his face.