Sean laughs. “How about we start with something and come back for more throughout the day?”

I turn to face him, putting my free hand on his chest. I tap him twice. “I knew you were more than just a pretty face.”

He unlaces our fingers in favor of holding both my wrists, pulling me against his chest. He even smells good. Like wood and spice. “I see I’ve fooled you, excellent.” He dips his head down to kiss me and I stretch onto my tip toes to meet him there.

It’s more gentle of a kiss than I’m used to from him, I think as I pull away, still managing to feel my face flush from the way that he looks at me. The kind of kiss he might give me if we were more than— I shake my head of the thought immediately. There is no reason to stress myself out with unnecessary expectations.

I just want to enjoy today, for whatever it is.

Sean kisses me one more time before letting my wrists go and tucking me into his side. He’s warm, so I snuggle closer as the cool wind blows across us.

“I want a donut and a cookie.” We’re next in line and I still haven’t decided which one to choose.

“Why don’t I get one and you get the other, and we can share.”


He buys us a macadamia cookie and a pumpkin donut and apple cider.

“Oh my God,” I say, taking the first bite of the donut. “This is so good, here,” I hold the donut out for him to take.

Instead of taking it, he bends down slightly and opens his mouth, as if he expects me to feed him.

I can’t help the giggle that bursts through my chest at the childish gesture, or my smile. Sean is never carefree. He’s always guarded. Always serious or focused, worried, or mad. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him… relaxed.

My heart swells until my lungs ache. I lift the donut to his lips and let him take a bite. His mouth closes around my fingers, his tongue and teeth scraping down my skin as he pulls away.

“You’re right. Delicious.” There is mischief in the way his eyes seem to sparkle.

I shiver beneath his touch, and he chuckles, kissing my head.

We walk around aimlessly, sharing our food and probably making anyone who sees us annoyed. It is an exceptionally beautiful fall day, chilly with the sun still shining, making every red and orange leaf even better.

Sean looks very handsome in his black sweater and black trench coat, looking more like a model than a professional athlete. The people around us seem to agree, a lot of them tripping over rocks or dips in the ground because they were staring at Sean too long and not paying attention to where they’re going.

We pick the corn maze first, getting stuck behind a big family. Not that I mind. It’s just another excuse to walk hand in hand with a beautiful man on a beautiful fall day.

The wind rustles through the tall stalks of corn, the green edges of the husks jutting out to conceal some of the twists and turns of the maze. Sean slows our pace as the family ahead of us stops at a map sign at a crossroads, and instead of walking around them, he takes me by the hand and pulls me along the corner of a dead-end.

“What are you doing?” I laugh, following behind him. This is definitely not the right direction. We’re clearly very trapped as the path ends into small square opening and large corn stalks block our way.

“I just wanted to see something,” he says with a mischievous grin. He yanks my hand so that I stumble into his hard chest, and he wraps his arms around me, keeping me close to him as he dips down to press his lips against mine. The unexpected kiss sends tingles down my core.

We do that every few minutes, getting stopped behind someone and Sean pulling me into a covert corner as he presses his body into mine, not bothering to break apart until we hear the sounds of people approaching. By the time we make it out of the maze, our lips are swollen, and my hair looks as if I’ve been up to no good.

I’m glad Heather got sick, not that I’d tell her that.

Heather and I try to do something fall related every year for my birthday. I don’t necessarily love the idea of gifts or a party, but I love fall. Everything about it. The colors, the smell, the food, and costumes. Everything feels perfect and right.

The fact that Sean came, that he wanted to spend the day with me… A breath shudders in my chest from the surge of emotion. I have to exhale to keep happy tears from welling up.

“Oh, let’s go see what’s over there,” Sean says, seeing something with his superhuman vantage point and dragging me with him.

To my surprise, Sean manages to look happier as the day goes on. I mean, I know he’s doing this for me, which is a wonderful thing in and of itself. He’s a very caring man. But I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him have fun. I swing are joined arms better us, feeling lighter today.

“I thought you didn’t like your birthday?” He quirks a brow as we stand in line for a round of apple cider.

I shrug my shoulders, unable to fight back the smile I feel spread across my face. “I don’t. But I like being here…with you.” I think that I’d like anything with him.