“You’ll send her flowers? You were going to a farm?” I repeat back but don’t understand.

“It’s her birthday tomorrow.” Cough. “She wanted to go to Maple Wood.” Cough. “Tell her I love her.”

“Okay, I will, Heather. Feel better,” I say, ending the call.

I didn’t realize tomorrow was her birthday. I try to think of the recent conversations we’ve had. I’m almost positive that she’s never mentioned it.

After yesterday and today, I’d hate to give Astrid more bad news just as she’s starting to feel happy again.

I text Heather and ask her for the basic details, the address, the time. The rest of the plans I can put together for us.

I decide not to tell Astrid, she had a bad day yesterday, and I’m trying to make her feel better, not worse. Besides, I won’t let her plans fall through. Her birthday is important. And I hope me taking her out will be a nice surprise.



Heather and I have been planning a day at a local farm for weeks now. Fall is my favorite time of year, and it also happens to be my birthday. I haven’t told anyone. I usually don’t, and I don’t like to make a big deal out of my birthday. Other people being involved can just lead to disappointment, and the last thing anyone wants to feel on their birthday is disappointment.

When I walk upstairs and find Sean standing in the kitchen, I’m surprised.

“Hi,” I say. “I thought you had plans?” I feel like I asked him about this.

“I do,” he says, smiling.

“Okay…” I walk around him to head straight for the espresso machine, but he holds out an arm to stop me. I look up at him and he looks too happy to be normal.

Someone told him. I’ll kill Heather if it was her. I narrow my eyes and wait for him to move. I could always push past him. He’s big, but I think I could make it.

“Go sit down,” he says, nodding to the island.

“Why..?” I cross my arms against my chest. “Sean, what’s behind your back?”

“Go. Sit. Down.”

I sigh, loudly, eliciting a chuckle from his lips that makes me smile. I guess I can like my birthday as long as it doesn’t become a big deal.

“Close your eyes,” he says.

“Sean…” What is going on?

“Come on, I know you’re better at taking direction than that. Close your eyes.”

I don’t like surprises, but I can’t help the little spark of joy he incites. I cover my entire face with my hands to hide my grin. I don’t want him thinking I like surprises or I’m certain he’ll find a way to surprise me more.

I hear some shuffling. Then feel him next to me.

Oh, no, it is worse than a surprise. He bought me a present.

“Okay, open.”

He holds out a bouquet of flowers wrapped in paper and tied off with a beautiful white ribbon.

“Sean.” Now this present I like. I’m stunned, so stunned that for a moment, I forget to take them. I bring the flowers to my nose. They’re perfect. Pale peach roses and dark red and purple flowers with seasonal greens making the color stand out. I don’t love my birthday, but I do love fall, and this is the most perfect bouquet anyone could ever buy me.

“But where are we going to put them all?” I laugh, realizing that the bouquet nearly fills my arms.

“I didn’t think of that part.” He scratches his neck. “It’ll be worse when Heather’s arrive.”