She snorts. “Why does that not surprise me?”



Ihave really started to enjoy running with Sean, not that I’ve told him that. Or will. Believe me, the man doesn’t need a bigger ego. But I will admit, I have been improving these last few weeks. Most mornings we run together. Well, most mornings we walk together. I am still trying to run, though. And I’ve gotten a lot faster, much to his delight.

Last week I set my best mile time so far. I won’t admit to what it was, it’s still a bit embarrassing to me. I’m several minutes slower than Sean, and he’s nearly twice as fast. But I suppose it is not really fair to compare myself to a professional athlete.

“You want to race?” he asks, cocky, as we round the corner to the house.

Normally, I wouldn’t consider this. He’s clearly got an unfair advantage with his long legs. But we are close to home, maybe only a few hundred yards away now. And that’s close enough that I stand a chance.

I might be small, but I am powerful.

“Race?” I ask, feigning breathlessness. I did run way more today than I have before. Nearly three miles. He probably thinks I’m tired.

“Loser has to buy lunch,” he says, adding to the stakes.

I roll my eyes. Sean hasn’t let me pay for any food since I’ve moved in, so I’m certain that he won’t let me pay today, either. This is some sort of trick to get me to start incorporating sprinting into our workouts.

But I’ll play along. I’d like to wipe the smugness from his handsome face.

“Fine.” I wait until he slows down to jog beside me before I say, “First one to the driveway wins.” And I take off. I feel that strength as I urge my body forward, pumping my arms, desperate to beat him.

But even with my head start, he catches me within seconds and passes me with ease.

Fuck. I thought I might have had a chance. My lungs burn and my mouth tastes metallic as my sprint slows to the end of the concrete driveway.

Dammit. I put my hands above my head and try to walk out the fatigue.

He wins. Of course, he wins. And he wins by a lot considering I’m pretty sure that he held back until the last minute.


I’m drenched from sprinting. It’s so hot today. I lift my shirt to wipe some of the sweat from my face. Too hot for September, so I’m glad that Sean didn’t close the pool for the season. I jog around the house to the backyard, easing into a walk with my hands on my hips.

“Good job,” he calls back to me. He opens the metal gate that separates the pool from the rest of the yard, throwing it open as he strips off his shirt and tosses it to the ground.

I watch as he kicks off his shoes and socks and jumps into the pool, splashing water everywhere.

His head bobs above the water, his hands slicking back his dark hair as he wades to the shallow end.

I try my best to keep my gaze off his body, but it’s hard. I mean, the control over my eyes is hard, not that Sean is— well, I mean his body is muscular but I’m not thinking about it.

I swallow. I’m definitely not thinking about it. I can’t. He’s not some random guy I’ve met at a bar. He’s my boss.

“Get in.” His large hand pushes through the water until it reaches me.

I laugh when a little bit gets my legs. The water does feel good after that workout. A little swim isn’t a terrible idea. I think it’s good for muscles recovery too.

That’s the reason, I tell myself as I take off my shirt, struggling with my shoes and socks as the fabric sticks to my skin.

The only reason.

We’re both adults. We can swim together. I can do this without making it weird.

I take a couple steps backwards so I can have a running start and make the biggest splash possible. I know I succeeded when I come up for air and Sean looks at me, annoyed.