Page 1 of Bossy Fake Fiancé



I can’t believe this is actually happening. My fingers clench into tight fists and I can feel my blunt nails digging into the meat of my palms as my head whirls around the information I just received. I may lose my inheritance. To that… that bastard!

My body is near shaking as I walk through the doors of my hotel. A place where I usually walk tall and feel pride, but I can’t right now. Though all three that I own are doing well—in fact this one where I live is one of the best—I want to expand and that’s exactly what that money is for. I want to build overseas.

I am walking near blind while I stalk through the lobby. The staff greet me as usual, but I don’t even acknowledge them. I barely hear the individual voices, instead it’s all jumbled noises. I’m usually so much more put together than this. But it’s because I’m falling apart and hoping to reach my suite before I do, that I don’t see the woman in front of me.

I knock into her, hitting her so hard that she has to stumble not to go sprawling to the marble floor. Normally I would stop and apologize, a guest of any tier deserves that, but especially one of her caliber. Just from looking at her, I can tell she has influence. Yet, I’m irate, not at her, but just at the world, and so she gets the brunt of my anger.

“Watch where you’re fucking going,” I snarl, clipping her again as I walk past, and I hear her gasp in surprise.

“Sir! Mister Saunders!” My butler, Russell, says from beside me.

I look up, “When did you get here?”

“As soon as you walked in, sir,” he says with surprise. Usually I’m much more observant.

I grunt and shrug. “Take care of that. I’m sure she’ll try to raise some sort of hell at the front desk.”

I wave him away, eager to be alone. I can hear the sound of buzzing voices behind me, and as I make my way up the lobby stairs to the penthouse elevator, I see out of the corner of my eye a girl hovering behind me. I recognize her as one of the maids who works for me, though her uniform would be enough to tell me that anyway. She’s a pretty thing and I’m sure most people would stop long enough to stare at her delicate features, shoulder length black hair, and sparkling blue eyes, but I don’t do that. Instead, I’m instantly hostile.

I turn to her with my lips in a near snarl, and she bows her head, avoiding eye contact. But she doesn’t leave. I sigh, rubbing the spot between my eyes where a headache is coming on.

“What do you need?” I ask.

She shrugs her shoulders and says softly, “I am Amelia, sir. I was sent here by Russell to help you while he takes care of things at the front.”

“Tell him I don’t need help. Yours or anyone else’s,” I growl, jamming my finger against the button on the elevator so hard that the joint twinges.

“Yes, sir,” she responds, and though her words are flat, her head is raised and she looks me dead in the eye.

I can see a flame of disgust in her eyes as she clutches the papers to her chest, something she was probably sent to give me. She’s lost her chance however, and I could care less right now. I will deal with it later. I just needed to see my dogs. The thought of seeing Jewel and Charity makes my chest instantly unwind even as I glare back at the woman while the doors finally shut close with a whoosh.

There is a tingle of surprise in me though, for someone who seems so anti-combative, the girl definitely isn’t. There is a spark in her that either she isn’t aware of or doesn’t know how to use correctly. Or perhaps she uses it just as she wants to. But it’s a shame to let yourself be walked all over, certain people take advantage of that, certain people like me.

I stare at the glowing numbers above the door as the elevator moves upwards with slow dings announcing my ascent. Thankfully it’s quiet, no awkward music or people that I have to share the air with. One of the best things about having a personal elevator is the silence.

I take in the lack of talking, the lack of noise, and let my brain decompress from the anger I’ve been stewing in since early morning. I ended up canceling all my appointments for the day, considering I’m likely to snap at anyone who irritates me. Generally anyone breathing the same air as me annoys me, even on a good day.

The elevator welcomes me home with a louder chime and wide-open doors. I step out into a hallway whose only two doors belong to me. One being the penthouse suite and the other my office. The lavish blue carpet reads royalty, and I open the door to Charity and Jewel already making a ruckus. A massive Doberman and a much smaller mutt of a dog who I guess has origins in dachshund and some sort of herding dog. They both welcome me with excited barking and wagging tails.

My suite is rather empty and harsh looking for most people, at least that is what everyone tells me. But all I need are my dogs and the ability to make a good cup of coffee. Otherwise, I can buy everything else or find it within the hotel below. I’m not really connected with people, not even my own family, so any pictures consist of my preferred creatures, canines.

I have a landscape here and there but the only place that has anything really personal is my office, where portraits of my current two companions and my boy who came before are decorating the drab walls. The kitchen is spotless, and most people think I don’t use it, but they’d be surprised to know I’m an avid cook, not that I plan to open a restaurant anytime soon. Though I know my way around enough that I’ve both impressed and surprised people.

Just as I make to get comfortable on the living room couch, the sound of the doorbell chiming has me on my feet, my face twisting in annoyance. Any relaxation I’d started to feel disappears instantaneously, knowing I will have to deal with whoever is on the other side of that door.

I press the call button and the speaker crackles to life. “Yes?”

“Sir, I’m here,” Russell says on the other side of the line.

“Right,” I sigh. “Didn’t that maid tell you I don’t need help today?”

“She did, but I have something I need to discuss with you, something pertinent,” he says, and I notice a sense of urgency in his voice.

“Ah,” I hesitate for a moment before pushing the button to let him in. “come in then.”