“We’re way too busy. We’ve got shows booked ourselves.” And on the verge of another hiring frenzy with how much business had grown since Josh and Stoli’s show.
“Boss, they are weeknight shows. Fly out for a night. Get your fix and come back good and well fucked. Or do the fucking. Or however the fucking works.” Daniel’s blush made his tongue-tied rant twice as hilarious.
“Good and fucked, huh?” Daniel waved a dismissive hand through the air, but he was right. My team had this. I whipped out my phone and shot off a text to Easton, not anticipating the immediate reply I received.
Easton: I can get you on the company jet tomorrow night to catch the show at Whisky a Go Go. Fly you back the next day if that works?
Could I make it work and leave that soon?
“Yes,” Daniel’s voice sounded over my shoulder.
“Peeping Daniel.”
Me: Works for me. Let me know where to be and when.
What I didn’t expect to find when I got to the corporate hangar at SeaTac was for Easton and Diamond to be waiting inside the plane. “Good morning,” Easton greeted me. “Hope you don’t mind if we tag along?”
“What? No, not at all. Just surprised is all.” Damn, I hope I didn’t sound ungrateful because I wasn’t.
“Excellent. We’d told the bands we’d catch a show while they were out and hadn’t been able to. This felt like the perfect opportunity. I also took the liberty of booking a hotel room for you and Josh for tonight.” My eyes nearly bugged out of my head, and I froze mid-step. “Are you okay?”
Easton and Diamond came toward me, and I held up a hand. “No, I’m all right. Thank you, I’m just... Well, to be honest, I’m really blown away with how nice and down to earth all of you are.”
“Ha-ha, have a seat. We have three hours to get to know each other better.”
Let the inquisition begin.
“Does Josh know I’m coming?” Purposely I’d left it out last night when we talked. He was coming off a high from the show and had a lot of excess energy to burn off and I wanted to surprise him.
“We didn’t tell him and no one outside of the three of us knows. I was going to ask Jeremiah to set you up with tickets then Diamond and I decided to go so there was no need.” Diamond had his AirPods in while Easton and I talked. He wasn’t a fan of Josh’s, so I was more than happy to not have him partake in our conversation. “Don’t worry, Diamond will come around.”
Easton easily read my mind, or followed my line of sight. “Josh isn’t the same person he once was. In case I haven’t said it before, thank you for helping him.”
“Happy to. I hope it’s working well for him. I’m glad Sal brought him on, he’s an asset to Chaotic. Diamond and I saw them when their original guitarist walked off stage. Josh was a perfect fit, and it was time for him to come into his own. How’s the bar doing?”
“Insanely well. The remodel has started but we’re staying open during it, which is a bit intense. Thankfully the crews come in early each day, and we open the bar later, which has helped. Slightly. I used Stoli’s contractor, and he put a second team on our home reno. Would’ve been great to have it done before Josh gets back but that’s just not possible.” What a huge undertaking. The contractor was well versed, but there were still decisions I had to make. Colors, tile and grout, countertops, those kinds of things. Once a week I walked the spaces with the super on site and no issues thus far. Fingers crossed it stayed that way.
“If you want, Josh can fly back with us tomorrow since they hit the road back to Seattle in the morning anyway.”
“Thanks, I’ll ask him tonight. Is there a party or anything they need to attend after the show?” I was unsure how this went. You hear about the after parties, but the way Masterson operated was different than their competitors.
“Sometimes, but that’s more for the larger bands plus most of these guys have already settled down and aren’t interested. Makes our lives a lot easier. Too much can happen at those gatherings, and I’d rather not run social media interference like I used to.” Easton rolled his eyes and scowled at a dozing Diamond. “That man I married has a tendency to flash his privates in public. He’s far too proud. Then I’m left sending out the demands to remove the photos. Thankfully, I believe we’ve moved past that phase.”
I couldn’t imagine what that must’ve been like. “Not sure I’d be so calm had Josh done the same.” Though he did confess to flashing his bandmates, tattoo talk he claimed. Maybe we should clarify a few things before he became Masterson’s next what not to do poster child.
As soon as we landed, we were ushered into the awaiting limo and driven to the venue. A lot of famous bands were discovered at Whisky a Go Go and I was amped to check it out. Masterson security met us at the rear entrance and led us inside and straight to the dressing rooms.
“Good afternoon, gentlemen.” Easton’s voice rang out and the noise ceased. Josh spotted me and his face lit up. “Brought a delivery for Josh.”
Josh was across the room and in my arms so fast we fell against the wall in a tangle of limbs. “You’re here.”
“I am.”
“While those two get reacquainted,” the group laughed, “Diamond and I will check in with Jeremiah.”
Josh and I walked over to the couch but there was no way in hell I was sitting on it. That thing looked like it had been baptized in who knew what bodily fluids and I wasn’t putting my ass on it. “Afraid the couch will bite you?” Josh teased.
“Something like that. Think it might require a tetanus shot or antibiotics if I touch it. Ready for the show?” He hadn’t stopped smiling since I got here and I freaking loved it. Hell, my face likely mirrored his.