“Get out of your head. You are nothing like him.” E whispers, the tip of his finger brushes against my hand.

He’s right. I know that. But it’s like seeing anything for the first time, I’m just taking it in and absorbing it all.

My father steps forward, and before he can get too close, Elijah is on him. His bat is in the air and connects with the side of his head. You can hear the crack from the impact as my father stumbles to the ground, tripping as he goes down. The front of his head connects with the hard wooden table next to us. Bouncing him backwards as he falls to the ground, knocked out cold.

A feminine gasp moves my attention back up.

“He wouldn’t have protected you anyways mother. The theatrics really aren’t necessary. He isn’t dead.”

Elijah steps over my father’s unconscious body, kicking dirt up as he does.

Looking towards The Chapel’s followers, they are all still here. Some are holding hands, and some have their hands raised over their faces. A couple have fainted and are laying on the ground. They have stood by it all, and they will continue until this ends tonight.

Looking back towards E and his mom, he is now towering over her. He has at least a foot on her.

I stay in place, his mother is his.

Chapter 31


This bitch.

This bitch thought she could get away with it. Thought that the mask protected her. That I would never find out.


I’m ashamed to even call her my mother. I knew she was fucked by the fact that she left my dad for this sack of shit. But knowing what she did to Rain only solidifies it.

Whimpers come from behind her mask. She is scared. Or she thinks I give a fuck that she is sad.

I couldn’t care less.

Wrapping my fingers around the side of her white mask, I pull it towards me with force, the thin ties break and it snaps off her face.

Her eyes are red, puffy and swollen from crying. Her lip trembles as she looks up at me.

“Your voice that day gave you away.”

Her head shakes, and her face is confused. “What are you talking about?”

Playing stupid doesn’t get you points with me.

Pointing towards the opening, I lower my mouth closer to her ear so she can really listen to the words coming out of my mouth, “Chasing us down the hall that day. Pleading with me. That’s what gave you away.”

Moving my head back and watching while she puts the pieces together.

Her eyes squint as they shift back and forth as she thinks back.

Then I see the exact moment she remembers.

Realization washes over her face. Eyes widen as her jaw drops, covering her mouth with her hands as she gasps theatrically.

“You hand fucking delivered her to him on a silver fucking platter.”

My mom’s head starts to shake back and forth as tears well in her eyes.

“I didn’t know. Whatever he did, I didn’t know.” Her words are mumbled.