“I guess I kinda am,” I heard myself say, grateful Jamie was trying to understand. “But you guys don’t, ah, think I’m a liability to Elite?”
“If anyone is a liability to Elite, it’s Rush,” Coach announced.
“Dad!” Landry gasped.
Rush made a rude sound. “A guy gets arrested for murder one time…”
“You guys really don’t care?” I asked, emotion clogging my throat.
“We do care,” Lars said. “About you. Because you’re our friend.”
“You don’t have to hide parts of yourself from us,” Landry added. “We’ll love them all.”
Kruger patted me on the back. “Not to be a know-it-all all or anything, but I told you, P. I told you Elite fam is for life, and you’re part of it.”
Jess looped her arms around my waist. “We love you.”
I kissed the top of her head and glanced around at my friends. At the people who accepted me without any kind of hesitation. All this time, I’d been afraid to let them too close because having them at arm’s length was better than nothing at all.
I was wrong. Having them as family was the best.
Don’t tell Kruger he was right. He’s already audacious enough.
I went to grab my phone, but then I realized I didn’t have it. It was trapped in Arsen’s wagon. I made a mental note to send the group chat a smiley face whenever I got it back.
There was a knock on the front door, and my heart jumped into my throat. I turned, staring at the thick wood, anticipating who was on the other side. He said he would come. That he wouldn’t let me go.
Could it really be him?
Kruger gave me another I told you so look, and butterflies erupted beneath my ribs.
“It’s for me,” Rory announced, looking at her phone and starting across the room.
The butterflies in my belly dropped dead, their wings wilting faster than flowers in extreme heat. It was my turn to give Kruger an I told you so look.
He wasn’t impressed. Guess he didn’t like the taste of humble pie.
Ryan snatched Rory back into his chest. “You better have a damn good reason why someone would be knocking on the door for you this late at night.”
She rolled her eyes. “It’s Kevin.”
Ryan growled. “Excuse me?”
Jamie stood from the couch. “I got this,” he said, moving to the door. Max and Win fell into step behind him.
“I don’t need you to get this,” Ryan asserted, letting go of his girlfriend and skating around the guys to beat them to the door and yank it open. “Who’s the asshole brave enough to come around here for another man’s girl?”
“You done did it now, Kevin,” Jamie called. “You pissed off the alpha.”
“Is this how you all behave when you aren’t at the pool?” Coach muttered. “I knew it was bad, but this is an abomination.”
“U-uh, hi. I have a delivery for Rory,” a voice stuttered from the front porch. Poor Kevin. “I-I don’t know if that’s a girl or a boy.”
“Ooh, pizza!” Jamie exclaimed. “Out of the way, bro. I’m about to get my eat on!” Jamie’s large frame pushed around Ryan to go outside with Kevin.
“There’s a brownie pizza too!” Jamie’s exclamation filtered inside.
“You have to share!” Madison and Rory yelled at the same time.