Page 83 of Whisper

I purred, my usually finicky engine brought to life.

“So I know I said I’d take you to get sheets tomorrow.” He started, and my entire body tensed. The sinfully delightful relaxation I’d been floating in blew away like fluffy clouds in a stormy sky.

Alarmed and embarrassed, I scrambled back, and if it wasn’t for his grip, I would have slid off his lap and onto my ass. He’s tired of you already.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked.

Avoiding eye contact, I answered, “Giving your space back.”

“Why would I want my space back?”

I paused for a moment, confused. My toes were planted on the floor, the prickly carpet eating them like some bad horror flick my sister would enjoy. Wrenching away, I moved off his lap to pace to the other side of the room.


“I get it. You changed your mind,” I said, agitation surging through my body like adrenaline. I glanced around, looking for the socks I’d tossed aside. One was lying by the bed, but the other seemed to have disappeared.

“Changed my mind?”

I let out a gruff sound. “About the date. You’re canceling.”

I’ll just get a new pair. Turning away from him, I went to the dresser where my socks were still crammed beside my jeans. My fingers dug into the wood of the drawer, and I closed my eyes to drag in an exaggerated breath and focus on the ASMR in my ear.

A large palm slid around my hip, the other snaking around my middle to flatten against my stomach. I held myself rigid, a lump in my throat. His body closed in, blanketing me from behind. My eyes shot open, staring at the bare wall behind the dresser, but it was like I couldn’t see. His square chin met my shoulders, and he hugged me close.

“Is that what you think?” he said, his voice fighting against the ASMR.

I said nothing.

Reaching up, he pulled one of the earbuds from my ear. “Can I take this out for a minute?”

In response, I plucked it from his fingers and jammed it back where it had been.

His chest shook with silent laughter. “Have it your way, princess.” Then, “I’m not canceling our date. Nothing could keep me from it. But we don’t need to get sheets.”

My back remained to him, but my eyes strayed in his direction.

“I already bought you some,” he announced.

That got me to turn my head, our noses almost colliding because we were so close. Doing my best to ignore the fluttering of my heart I asked, “What?”

He didn’t move despite the invasion of his personal space. If the crinkling at the corners of his onyx eyes was any indication, I think he liked being invaded. “I realized if I took you tomorrow, then you wouldn’t have anything to sleep on tonight.”

I spared a glance at my mattress and the rumpled, too-small bedding lying on top. “You bought me bedding?”

“You want to see it?”

Yeah, I did. So much so that I jammed the drawer back in place and skirted out of his hold to get the bag. Before I got there, he snatched my arm and pulled me around.

“Not so fast,” he intoned, his voice embodying a bit of command. Something about it washed me with relief. Like I might not have to think as much if he was in control.

“First, tell me you understand that I am not canceling our date. Or any of the ones after it.”

“Who said we were going to have more?” I retorted. Turns out that when I don’t have to think as much, it makes room for me to be a brat.

I feel safe with him.

His unruly black brow arched. “I did. Your calendar is now permanently marked with my name. All your dates from now to forever are mine and mine alone.”