Page 59 of Whisper

“Her voice is annoying,” he snapped.

I smiled. “Are you jealous?”

“No,” he was quick to say, jamming a pod into the ear closest to me.

“Here’s the mocha with extra whip,” the girl called. “Oh! Is that… Prism?”

His face turned toward the window where the girl was looking past me to where he sat.

“You’re Elite, right?”

“Uh, yeah,” he answered, bobbing his head.

“I didn’t know you guys were friends.”

I wanted to yell, We aren’t. He’s mine. But I didn’t think it would go over too well, especially remembering how he said most people didn’t know he was gay.

“Thanks,” I said, taking the coffee and handing it over to him.

After grabbing the bag with the food and tapping my card, I drove off with barely a see-you-later to the girl. Instead of driving into traffic, I steered into the back of the lot and put the wagon in park.

Leaning over, I plucked the pod out of his ear. He moved to snatch it back, but I closed my fist around it. “You really need these right now, or are you doing it to put something between us?”

“The only questions I have to answer are from the cops.”

I wasn’t sure of his limits. My instinct told me to push harder, but I was also afraid I’d do something to inadvertently set him off and lose whatever trust I’d gained. What made you so skittish?

And yeah, I realized most of the trust I gained was by default. But I would use it. I was determined to prove to him any trust he gave me was not misplaced.

In the end, I decided to back down. We were on the way to the place where he sort of lost his cool, so why stress him out more before getting there?

“All right, princess,” I said, opening my hand between us so he could grab the pod. “Here you go. Put that back in and drink your coffee, okay?”

He looked at me suspiciously as if he thought it was odd I was giving in. Like maybe he didn’t want me to.

When he didn’t take the white bud, I laid it on the leather between us and turned back to the steering wheel. Before putting her in drive, I grabbed my cup to take a sip of the coffee. As my lips wrapped around the lid, his voice filled the interior of the Wagon.

“I don’t want to be jealous.”

I paused, my stomach doing a little flip. After lowering the cup, I rotated so my upper body was facing his. “But you are?”

“Oh, Arsen. Your music is so hype. Please come back later and rail me in the back seat of your sexy, expensive SUV,” Matthew spewed while using a falsetto voice and pressing his hand to his chest.

When he was finished, he dropped his hand and snarled. “Could she be any more obvious?”

I stared at him, shocked at the outburst. Probably the most animation I’d seen out of him since our night in the slammer. But along with the surprise was something else… something hot and heavy.

When I continued to stare, he flushed. “Sorry, I?—”

Snatching the latte from his hand, I dropped it in the cup holder beside mine. Reaching into the passenger seat, I half dragged him over the center console, anchoring an arm around his upper body and pushing my fingers deep into the still-damp strands of his hair.

My low growl vibrated our lips as I smashed them together, and I felt his nostrils flare, the reaction inciting even more heat within me. His hands twisted in the front of my shirt, tugging himself a little closer, our tongues fighting against each other like it was some sort of competition. The slight hint of chocolate lingered on his tongue, and I growled again, the flavor of my passenger princess hitting my veins like adrenaline.

Our chests were heaving when our mouths popped apart, the interior of the car seemingly much more humid than before.

“What the hell was that?” he asked, breathless.

“That was me being incredibly turned on that you are so jealous over some barista whose name I don’t even know.”