Page 55 of Whisper

“We are paying for the truck by the hour,” Jess allowed.

“I told you not to worry about that,” Kruger told her.

Jess turned back to me, her dark eyes assessing. “Are you gay?” She was blunt.

Matthew practically choked.

I grinned. “Yep.”

“You aren’t just here for a police interview, are you?”


“Jess,” Matthew said, a hint of anxiety creeping into his tone. “Please don’t.”

“And what would you do, Matty, if some guy was coming around for me?”

“Dig his grave,” Matthew and Kruger deadpanned at the same time.

It was worse than I realized. They appeared to share a brain.

“And women are the dramatic ones,” Jess muttered sarcastically.

“I’m leaving,” Matthew announced and started for the door.

Kruger appeared, wrapping an arm around Jess’s waist. “Come on, baby.”

She went with him but glanced back at me. “If you hurt my brother, I’ll dig your grave.”

I smiled.

It seemed to offend her because she said, “I know lots of ways to get rid of a body. I love horror movies.”

“I prefer sci-fi.”

She considered that. “How about scary movies about aliens?”

“I’ll bring the popcorn.”

Kruger snarled. “You aren’t invited.”

Jess elbowed him in the stomach and said something low beneath her breath, but I didn’t pay attention. I was looking at Matthew who was already outside. Through the double doors, I could see him pacing on the sidewalk.

“I’m not going to hurt him,” I vowed.

“Says the guy who’s literally on his way to the police station after getting my best friend arrested,” Kruger retorted.

“Pretty sure I heard him tell you we were in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

“Bro! How much of our convo did you hear?” He accused me.

All of it. “You saying he’s a liar?”

Kruger spun away from Jess so fast it caught me off guard, and before I knew it, my back was pressed against the glass of the double doors and Kruger had his forearm pinned against my chest.

“Listen here,” he said, ominous and slow. “I know you think I’m a moron, but I’m telling you right now that if you try and pit me against my brother, you’ll find out real fucking quick that I’m your worst fucking nightmare and the only moron in this equation is you.”
