Page 50 of Whisper

He hummed, fingertips flirting with my ass crack before pulling away to move around to my cock. “I like it.” He approved, fisting my dick with his bare hand. “That means there’s less keeping you away from me.”

I kissed the side of his neck, smearing the kiss up to the corner of his mouth.

“Ungh,” I groaned when he started to jack me, my head falling onto his shoulder as bliss rolled over my body. My hand found its way beneath his shirt, and my fingers closed around the bar in his nipple, making us both groan.

I tugged and twisted it lightly, the pulls of my fingers becoming a bit more aggressive the closer I got to release.

The base of my spine started to tingle and my insides tightened, but then he pulled his hand away, leaving me damp and aching in a terrible way.

“Arsen?” I questioned, the way I said his name so vulnerable that embarrassment burned my ears.

“You didn’t do anything, princess,” he whispered, palming my hips. “But I want to see you. And the first time you come for me is going to be across my tongue.”

I went hot and cold at once, the two sensations making me shiver. “Y-you want to do that to me?”

He pulled back to look at me. “Why wouldn’t I want to do that?”

No one had ever. Maybe not because they didn’t want to but because I wouldn’t let them. What if I didn’t like it? What if the sensations were wrong? The texture. What if they didn’t like it?

Rejection on either side seemed almost more than I could bear.

“What if you don’t like it?” I said, more or less projecting my fear onto him.

Palming my face, he looked me right in the eyes, sincerity and patience in endless supply. “Well, if I don’t like it, then I’ll stop and do something I do like.”

He was projecting too. Somehow, he knew I was scared I would hate it. Instead of calling me a freak for being gay and not wanting a blowjob, he embraced it. Embraced me.

I bit down on my lip. Heady desire and the insistent need for release made me want to shove his face into my crotch, but the other part of me, the more rational part, was still afraid.


My eyes shot to his at the quiet request.

“Did you like the way my tongue felt against yours?”

I nodded enthusiastically.

“And my lip ring?”

More nodding.

“I think your dick will like it too.”

I hesitated but then gave a stilted nod, the fire he ignited in me making me brave.

“Stand up,” he said, palming my waist to help me.

The second I was upright, he pulled the joggers down to my knees, my breath catching at his eagerness. He groaned, taking in my hard and ready dick, which popped between us with no inhibitions at all. Still staring, Arsen palmed my bare hips and tugged me so I was standing between his legs, my dick all up in his business.

An inkling of insecurity?—

“You’re fucking perfect, Matthew. You’re also fucking mine.”

Oh. Never mind.

His hand closed around me, and my eyes rolled back in my head. Lowering, his lips parted, and the muscles in my stomach contracted almost painfully.

I closed my eyes, anticipating that first touch, waiting to see if it was a sensation I would love or hate, but it never came.