Page 197 of Whisper

I glanced at Arsen. “Did you know about this?”

“About that…” Kruger held up his hand, and Win tossed something to him. Kruger held out the exact same shirt to my boyfriend. “Here’s yours, Arsen.”

“Thanks, bro,” he said, draping it over his shoulder.

Behind us, the bell on the door jingled, and Wes and Max walked in. I groaned. Wes was wearing the same pink shirt.

“Hey!” Kruger scowled at Max. “Where’s yours?”

“No,” Max deadpanned.

Jess slid out of the booth and came over, holding out yet another identical shirt to me. “Here, Matty. This one’s yours.”

When I didn’t take the shirt, she unfolded it and pressed it against my chest, smoothing it out.

“Pink is definitely your color,” Arsen said, eyes heating just a little.

“I think he’s right.” Madison agreed. “It contrasts so well with your dark hair and eyes.”

This was embarrassing. I was embarrassed. “You all are wearing pink shirts for me?”

“Wanted you to feel comfortable, bro. Let you know we accept you and your color choices,” Ryan said.

“And boyfriend choice,” Kruger said. “Though, that one took some getting used to.”

“Thanks, roomie,” Arsen said, slapping him on the back.

Kruger groaned.

Since it was officially summer, Arsen had left the dorms. Instead of going across the state to his parents’ house, he moved in with us. It made me really happy.

“You should put it on.” Jess encouraged me, gesturing to the shirt.

“Maybe later,” I murmured, draping it over my arm. It was a little overwhelming that they did this.

Arsen and I slid into the booth with Kruger and Jess, and Shirley came over to take our orders. “Matching cars and matching shirts?” she mused. “You Elite are something else.”

Once our orders were in, Rush leaned in to speak to the table. “I’m flying home next week, and my parents want to know if you’re all coming.”

“Hey, Arsen, anyone tell you that Rush’s mom is a Playboy model?”

Rush groaned. “Please do not Google her.”

Arsen laughed. “No plans to. Not something I’m interested in seeing.” As he spoke, he slid his hand over my thigh.

Warmth and desire filled my lower belly, and I covered his hand with mine.

“At least you have some decency,” Rush said.

“He’s gay,” Kruger pointed out.

“Didn’t stop any of them from looking,” Rush muttered.

“I didn’t,” Lars told him.

“That’s why I like you better than everyone else.”

Lars smiled.