Page 190 of Whisper

I was about to brand him with my fingerprints.

The second the suited guards saw me and Kruger rushing down the hall, they stepped off the door to block our advance.

“I’ll take the one on the right,” Kruger said.

We attacked at the same time. I went low and rushed the man, catching him around the tops of his thighs and dropping him onto his back. He scrambled up, and I kicked him in the ribs and then punched him in the face.

He grunted and swatted at my hand when I patted him down, searching his jacket for the room key. I found it and straightened. Kruger was shaking out his fist, the other guard at his feet.

Without a word, I swiped the card, the light on the door turned green, and I barreled into the room without hesitation.

There were some shouts in the suite as we rushed in. More guys in suits came running, and I knocked past them like a battering ram.

“Matthew!” I roared. “Matthew Prism!”

“P!” Kruger yelled.

Three men converged on us, trying to cage us in.

“Arsen!” Matthew’s panicked voice came from somewhere in the room. “Arsen!” he yelled again, banging against something… a door.

Horror rolled over me, and I spun, pinning McClaren with a look. “You put him in the closet.”

He said something in reply, but I didn’t listen. That man’s voice was the most useless sound on this planet.

I shoved through the men, and one of them tried to yank me back. I kicked him and took off again, finding a piece of furniture blocking the closet door.

I flipped it over, and it flew into the nearby bathroom. The door shuddered under the weight Matthew was throwing at it, and I wrenched it open without hesitation.

He fell out, and I caught him, but he was beyond comprehension. He started swinging, and I let him, taking a hit to the side and then letting him plow me into the wall.

“You’re okay,” I told him. “You’re okay now, baby. I got you.”

He stopped, his wild eyes seeing me for the first time. My heart broke. Cracked right in two. Tears stained his pale face, blood smeared his lip, and his jaw was bruised. His hair was mussed, his eyes bloodshot, and even though we weren’t touching, I could see him shaking.

I let out a keening sound and held up my arms in surrender. “Oh, baby, what the hell did they do to you?”

“Arsen,” he whispered and then fell into me, literally stopped holding himself up. I caught him and used the wall to support our weight while I dragged him up by the armpits and pulled him into my chest.

He started crying, and the two pieces of my broken heart swelled with anger.

Cupping the back of his head, I held him against my shoulder and anchored the other arm around his waist. Feeling something warm and sticky, I lifted my hand from his hair to see it was covered in blood. The anger that burned through me turned homicidal, and though I wanted to go after McClaren, I stayed where I was.

“You’re safe now,” I whispered. “I’m here.”

“I shouldn’t be.”

“I know that, baby. Someone so precious doesn’t belong in such an ugly place.”

He tried to pull back, but I wouldn’t allow it, holding him even tighter.

He sniffled. “No. I mean here at all. My father planned to drown me in the pool when I was little.”

Just then, two of McClaren’s men came around the corner.

The look on my face stopped them in their tracks. “I’ll give you exactly two seconds to get the fuck out of my face and never come back. Two seconds. And then I’m going to start cracking necks.”

Pretty sure they had guns.