Embarrassed, I turned to go.
“Wait,” he called.
I froze, and he grabbed his coffee from the barista who’d called his name and then jogged over to my side. I didn’t say anything, just stared.
“So, ah, I was wondering if you’d like to go out sometime.”
Even though I’d already swallowed the sip of latte, I choked. “W-what?”
Theo shuffled, shifting his coffee from one hand to the other. “Too direct?”
I didn’t say anything.
“Uh.” He cleared his throat. “So word got around that you came out to Elite.”
My stomach clenched. It was the first time anyone had approached me about my sexuality and the fact I’d come out to the team. Like, sure, it probably got around and people probably saw me with Arsen, but no one ever just made it a thing.
Was he making it a thing?
No, dumbass, he’s asking you on a date.
“Yeah, I did,” I said for lack of any better social skills. Gram would be ashamed.
Sorry, Gram.
To be fair, no one had ever asked me out before. Except Arsen. A wave of longing swept through me, leaving me achy and hollow. I hadn’t seen him since this morning, and frankly, that was just too long.
Did I mention I was needy? It had only gotten worse the longer we dated. The more I saw of Arsen, the more I wanted. I couldn’t even sleep at night if he wasn’t beside me.
“Cool. Congrats on that by the way.”
“Uh, thanks.”
“So yeah, I figured I’d shoot my shot. You’re hot. I’m single. You’re single. I could show you a good time.”
I blinked.
Theo grinned. “So what do you think? Dinner?”
It wasn’t like this when Arsen asked me on a date. I’d been surprised, yeah, but there had been instant yes energy in my head. The instant urge to jump into his lap.
Right now? I kinda wanted to run away.
Get it together, Matthew.
“Oh, ah…” I stumbled over the words, then reached up to itch my ear. “Uh, I’m not.”
Theo tilted his head. “You’re not interested in going out?”
“I’m not single,” I blurted. “I have a boyfriend.” Frankly, I was surprised he didn’t know.
Theo’s blue eyes widened, genuinely surprised. “You have a boyfriend already?”
I nodded.
“Damn, you Elite guys go fast.”
That reminded me he’d tried to date Wes too. Kinda cringe. Rory would call him a barnacle. I didn’t realize guys could be barnacles to Elite too.