Page 108 of Whisper

Hugging Matthew a little tighter, I said, “You deserve acceptance, baby. That’s the very least you deserve.”

His arms pushed around my waist. And there I go. Falling for him again.

“They clapped,” he confided. “I told them, and they clapped. Then we went back to swimming like nothing happened at all.”

“But something did happen,” I told him, wanting to acknowledge the giant leap he took. “You opened up and told your truth. I’m so proud of you, baby. You did so well.”

I understood then why all his friends approached me like they did this morning. The long, measured stares, the questions, even the breakfast invite.

“Hey,” I cajoled, pulling back enough so our eyes could meet. “You coming out this morning… is that because of what happened with us last night?”

His cheeks turned pink, and he couldn’t hold my stare.

“Matthew,” I called, stomach flipping. It was not lost on me just how big this was. How a man of few words could say so much without even speaking. “Look at me.”

Reluctant, his eyes met mine.

“I’m so proud of you,” I repeated, starting out with praise so he didn’t think he did something wrong. “You know I don’t expect this from you, right? You don’t have to tell anyone anything you aren’t ready for. You don’t have to do anything you aren’t ready for.” I grimaced a little. “I know me showing up this morning probably makes it seem otherwise, but honestly, baby, I’ll go at your pace.”

I should have told him this last night. Made sure he understood. He surprised me, though, stepping so fast out of his comfort zone. Working so hard to make that room for me.

He pulled out of my arms and stepped back. I wanted to tug him back but then remembered what I’d just told him and that we were standing in a public parking lot. Yeah, he’d told me I could hug him, but holding him was different.

Between last night and this morning, he probably needed a breather. I couldn’t fault him for that.

I glanced over at Kruger, hoping he would get the hint that his friend needed him.

Matthew shifted, lifting his hand between us. I glanced down at the leather bracelet I’d given him lying across his palm. My heart sank.

My fingertips brushed his palm when I took it back. I expected him to pull away completely, but he didn’t. Instead, he pushed the sleeve up his arm and held it out.

“I had to take them off for swimming,” he said as I stared down at the other two bracelets I’d given him circling his wrist. “These two just slide right on, but this one fastens. It’s hard to do with one hand,” he said, sheepish.

I glanced from the leather up to his face. “You want me to put it on you?”

Hurt dimmed his chocolate eyes. “You can have it back if?—”

Before he could finish, I had the leather around his wrist and fastened together.

“I wanted to tell them,” he blurted.

After a quick twirl of the cuff, I lowered my hands. “Yeah?”

“It bothered me the other day at the house when you didn’t touch me because they were all there. It made me feel…” His voice fell away, and his chest expanded with a deep inhale.

Kruger was halfway across the lot to us, and I held up my hand, telling him to stop.

He made a rude noise, but I completely ignored him.

“How’d it make you feel, princess?”

His cheeks were back to being rosy, his eyes bashfully hidden by sweeping black lashes. He answered quietly, a mere whisper. “Like a secret.”

I frowned. “Like a secret?”

“Like maybe you were ashamed of me,” he rushed out.

The denial of that was so visceral that a growl ripped from my throat as my whole body jolted.