Page 106 of Whisper

“Tradition, huh?” I mused, half smiling at his ultra-blond head.

Win’s larger frame stepped in front of him, one arm out like a blockade. “Stop looking at him,” he groused.

I laughed. Kinda nice to know I wasn’t the only caveman around here.

Across the lot, the doors opened, Rush and Landry stepping out. Their footsteps paused when they saw us all standing there. Rush stiffened, going on alert.

Yep. Total pack mentality.

“It’s all good,” Win called loud enough for them to hear.

Rush relaxed but took Landry’s hand on his way over to the group. “You coming to breakfast?” he asked, eyes intent on my face.

I felt some kind of way standing here with almost all of Matthew’s swim bros appraising me like a bunch of alphas. On one hand, I was glad he had so many people who clearly looked out for him. He was just too precious to be running around in the world without anyone caring about him. On the other, this pissed me off.

It was my job to look out for him. Mine. Not anyone else’s. And it seriously enraged my inner caveman that other people thought they had the right to challenge me over him.

Another thing? I didn’t answer to these fish. They thought they could scare me away? Bro, I grew up with a politician. Intimidation was served for breakfast at my house.

“Sure, I’ll come. As long as Matthew’s cool with it,” I said, keeping my voice even.

Why do none of them seem all that surprised to see me? And why was I automatically invited to breakfast?

Kruger pushed through the glass doors, and right on his heels was the object of my fixation.

No. I physically shook my head, denying the silent conversation I was having with myself. Matthew was not a fixation. He was so much more than that.

My heart walking around outside my chest. Seemed dramatic, but not something I seemed to be able to take back.

Seeing us, Kruger stopped abruptly, and Matthew ran right into his back. I heard him grunt on collision and Kruger speak low, and then his dark head snapped up, surprised eyes zeroing right in on me.

Yeah, I’d been giving myself shit for showing up like this and was even a little worried it might make Matthew uncomfortable, but damn, if it all didn’t disintegrate the second he smiled. It wasn’t even one of his big, beautiful smiles that lit up his entire face. Apparently, it didn’t have to be to light up my world. Just watching his lips curve up at the corners with a happy glow shining in his eyes was enough to tell me I’d made the right choice.

Yeah, let these bros dish out the third degree. Let them stare and attempt to run me off.

“Bring it on,” I heard myself tell them, my eyes still focused on the reason I was there. “The only way you’ll be rid of me is if he tells me to go.”

“Yeah, okay. He’ll fit in,” Jamie quipped.

Someone slapped me on the back. “Welcome to Elite, bro.”

Ryan, I thought but didn’t look his way.

“Arsen’s paying for breakfast,” Rush told everyone.

As they all walked away, Matthew stepped around Kruger and approached. He was still wearing my shirt, and frankly, it was the stuff wet dreams were made of.

“Arsen, what are you doing here?” he asked, stopping right in front of me.

Without thinking about it, I reached over to tug the duffle from his shoulder and hoist it onto mine. “Uh, yeah, I think I owe you an apology for this,” I said, sheepish. “I didn’t think about how it would look until after they came outside and saw me sitting here.”

“I told them I’m gay.”

Forgetting I was contrite, my eyes whipped up. “What?”

He nodded, tucking his hands deeper into the sleeves of the shirt. “Just a little while ago. I told the entire team.”

I pulled the bag off my shoulder and dropped it on the ground. Worry for how he was doing after something that seemed so big for him took over all thought. Annihilating the space between us, I curled my palms around his elbows. “Are you okay? What do you need?”